ShadAmy- Foresight

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Wolfbrother76: Okay for the sake of my story, all Sonic characters are human. They became human to fit in when they decided to stay on Earth.

Amy's POV-

I'm Amy. Amy Rose, and I hunt Diren, and many other monsters.

You're probably wondering, what's a Diren? It's very similar to the myth of vampires. Except their not undead, they are just dangerously close. They are extremely enhanced beings, faster, stronger. Their senses are in overdrive, as well as their organs. I know it's weird, but their hearts beat faster, blood speeds through their veins. They breathe without breathing. The only thing keeping them alive? The poison running through their blood. The irony? It's what can kill them too. It's the only thing that can.

How many people know that? Well, the Diren themselves, of course. And then theirs me. But only me. And that's why I'm famous.

But that's not why I keep it secret.

I keep it secret because it's the only that keeps me alive, even when I use it against them to kill their population. The reason They don't kill me? Because I threatened to expose their one and only weakness. What they don't know? Is that I never would. Even if they did come after me. Because I don't trust people. Information cannot just be given out to just anyone.

Because it can cause more harm than good.

I was camping in the forest, sitting by the fire, staring at it. I was thinking about my mentor. The man who taught me everything I knew. Well, nearly everything. He never knew about how to kill Diren. And that's not because I wouldnt tell him. It was because he died before I even knew about it.

My gun and knives sat next to me. Sitting with them all on was too uncomfortable. I probably shouldn't leave them on the ground like that though, but I didn't really care for the moment. The fire popped, making me jump. I smiled, Saren, my mentor, would've laughed and said, "Careful, never know when those Diggers will get ya."

Diggers were small creatures, about the size of a mosquito, that snapped at you and had a hell of a bite. And as their name suggests, they dug. Which was why they mostly bit people's toes.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the tree behind me. The past week had been quiet. That was probably because she was in Montana, near the small town of Charlo, where nothing ever really happened. As far as monster activity went.

My mind wandered. I remembered my friends, I remembered myself, before we became human and went out seperate ways. Then I thought about where they all are now. Sonic, that blue bastard was probably working with police no doubt. He's probably high up in the chain of command by now. Rouge and Knuckles I'm pretty sure opened a small jewelry store. That was probably one of the only things they could agree on. Tails I just know works for some big computer company or laboratory. Technology was his thing. I made a mental note to go and find him in case I needed new weapons. Cream probably had a bakery. She and I always joked about working together in one. I felt guilt tear at me, I left her. I left everyone, without telling them where I went. I had to. It's what kept them safe.

Blaze and Silver, hell, I definitely had no clue what happened to them. And Sally, well I hated her too much before I left to even care. At that time I still had my heart on Sonic. Not anymore of course, I've grown up.

A tear strolled down my cheek. I missed them. I had a vaugue feeling I was forgetting someone...

Something crashed in the forest. I didn't think, before I knew it, I had bolted to see what had happened, and I couldn't believe my eyes.


"Holy fuck!" I heard him shout. "What is this?"

I turned my head to what he was looking at, and my disbelief increased. A dragon? How the hell was a dragon in Montana? They were hardly even spotted in the U.S! I reached for my gun, my first reaction being to shoot it. Then I realized I couldn't. The only way to kill it was to stab under one of the scales just below the jawline on his neck.

I stared at the dragon, it was big. About the size of a large jet or plane. Although I knew it could grow probably twice that size. It was black and threatening. Despite the lack of light, it's scales glistened, nearly blinding me. Probably Shadow too. I wanted to help him, but I knew I couldn't kill it without my knives. So I ran back to camp.

When I came back, something bothered me. The lack of noise. I walked into the clearing with my knives and noticed the dragon on the ground, unmoving. Shadow stood next to it, bent over panting. There was no way Shadow killed it. Not even he could get that lucky.

"How did you do that?" I said softly.

Shadow looked up, startled. His eyes widened. "Amy?" He whispered.

I stared back at him and didn't answer. Shit, shit, shit, I kept saying in my head. What do I do?

He approached me slowly. I turned my head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't cry in front of Shadow. Everyone already thought I was weak enough. But not anymore. Not ever again. I clenched my fists.

Shadow lifted my chin softly, making me look at him. Tears streamed down my cheeks. He stared into my eyes, and I stared into his. Despite that he was now human, his eyes remained red, and his hair still had red stripes. I swallowed hard, it was so good to see a familiar, friendly face again.

I gasped as he pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly. Shadow, of all people, it was Shadow, who hugged me.

"God, how we've missed you," he whispered in my ear.

I hugged him back despite my surprise. It felt good, he felt strong.

We both pulled away suddenly when we heard a large huff from the dragon. I pulled out my knife. I knew he wasn't that lucky. Still, managing to knock one out was quite a feat. I approached the dragon and slid the blade under the correct scale. At least it went in its sleep. I may hunt the beasts, but I held no grudge against them.

Shadow stands behind me, and I hear him ask, "What have you been doing these past years?"

I sighed and stared at the dead dragon, realizing it was dark purple, not black and sighed. It was great seeing Shadow again. But now, I realized, came the hard part. I either had to send him away with no memory of the dragon or seeing me... or recruit him as a monster hunter. But, I found myself torn. Because I didn't want to do either.

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