Chapter 12- Reunion and Respect

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I turned over, now half awake and didn't feel Shadow next to me. I opened my eyes, a little panicked, but then the aroma of food hit me. That's sweet. I pulled the covers over my shoulder and pulled my knees up a bit. I was SO comfy.

Then I hear the front door slam open and a slightly familiar voice cries out, "WHERE IS SHE?"

I groan and pull the covers over my head. Whomever it was, I didn't care for being bothered. Probably some Hunter who was close by that has a few words to say. Not a lot of them like me. In fact most are pretty pissed that I never told anyone how to kill Diren.

I heard Shadow's voice just then, "Guys, she's still asle-" he was cut off when the person that shouted barged into the room.

"Amy! Is it really you?!"

"I don't need to deal with your lectures!" I said under the covers.

"That's the first thing you say to your best friend after five years?" I heard the person say, their voice hurt.

Best friend? I peeked out from under the blanket and gasped, "Cream!?" I rushed to get out of the bed, but only ended up tangling myself up and falling onto the floor.

"Ow," I whimpered a little as I touched my fingers to the back of my head.

"Amy," Cream breathed, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth in surprise. "You're alive, it really is you."

I smiled the best I could as I peered up at her. She was gorgeous. She had long, straight brown hair down to her waist and she wore a green sundress that made her amber eyes stand out. She had definitely filled in some curves, probably making boys drool. She was probably the normal looking one out of all of us.

Cream ran over to me and hugged me as tight as she could. Her grip was so strong I had a hard time breathing. "I'm so happy you're alive. I can't believe it. I missed you so much," she cried into my shoulder.

I hugged her back, crying as well. "God I missed you too."

She pulled away and glared at me.

Then I felt a sting across my cheek. I winced. Damn, that hurt. "I deserved that," I said as her hand went down. 

"Damn right, you do!" She yelled at me. "Where have you been these past five years?! You sure don't look like someone's kidnapped you!"

I rubbed my cheek, she probably left a hand print. "I know I have a lot of explaining to do," I said, holding my hand up before she interrupted me. "But it's a long story, I'd rather explain it once, and be dressed when I do so."

She looked down at my pajamas and sighed, nodding. "Okay," she said softly. She stood up and turned towards the door. "I'll be out here with the others," she added before she closed the door.

I groaned in pain as I got up off the floor.

I yanked of the blanket to untangle myself and only succeeded in knocking myself to the ground again. I heard Shadow outside the door ask, "Are you okay?"

I huffed, blowing hair out of my face. "Fine," I called back. "I could use some help though."

The door opened slowly and Shadow appeared with dark jeans and a Sleeping with Sirens T-shirt. He laughed when he saw me on the floor with the blankets tangled in my legs.

I crossed my arms. "It's not funny," I said, trying to regain some dignity.

He kneeled down to help, chuckling softly. "Sorry, Roza. But it kind of is." He frowned as he looked up at me and went back to the blanket. "I'm pretty sure though, that everyone will be a little bit nicer than Cream was," he reassured me.

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