Chapter 23- Something's off....

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Amy's POV-

Shadow and I crept up next to Anthony, army crawling up to the hill next to where he lay, scoping out the scene.

"Holy shit," I heard Shadow whisper next to me. I agreed. The scene we saw now, was a military base. The Diren's cover was a fucking military base.

Anthony held a hand up, silencing any further comment. He waited for a few tense moments and finally relaxed. "No patrols, which means they really can't sense me."

"Wait a minute," I said. "You just guessed that they couldn't sense you?" I asked incredulously.

He shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Originally it was just rumors. No one lived to actually prove it before."

"Well we're just accomplishing the impossible every minute aren't we?" Shadow mumbled under his breath. I let out a sigh, feeling just as uneasy as he was.

"Shadow, time to go," Anthony said, ignoring the man's comment. "Now that you've seen the area can you Chaos Control us over there?" He pointed to the rear end of the building where two scouts had just began walking toward the front as they walked the perimeter.

Shadow nodded and took my hand, looking up at me to make sure I was ready. Before I nodded Anthony placed something in my other hand. "To knock the other guard out." The cloth was moist with some sort of chemical. I was about to smell it before Anthony quickly pulled my hand away from my face. "Chloroform, don't smell it yourself. Only the guard."

"How the hell did you get chloroform?" I asked.

"No time to explain. Go, we only have about like 30 seconds left until the other pair of scouts find them unconscious and possibly you two standing over them."

Suddenly Shadow and I were standing behind two Diren. He quickly went to the left and I to the right. I stood on my tiptoes and covered the Diren's mouth with the chloroform. His body went limp and I guided him gently to the ground so I wouldn't tip off the scouts with a loud noise. I tossed the cloth over to Shadow before the other guard noticed and he did the same.

Shadow left and was back in an instant with Anthony in tow. Anthony opened the door and led us inside, even locking the door behind him.

"That didn't buy us much time. The scouts will still find those guys unconscious and it won't be long before they find us," I murmured, only loud enough for them to hear me.

"No need to worry about that," Anthony assured.

"Why?" Shadow asked.

A red light started flashing and an alarm blared, startling Shadow and I. We covered our ears with our hands but it didn't stop us from hearing the Diren on the intercom command everyone to go to the basement to fend off the intruders.

"Because of that."

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Silver's POV-

The guard cried out as I pressed the Rytica against the base of his neck as Anthony had told me too. Just as he hit the floor, an alarm sounded. "Well, time to get to bashing some heads in," I said with a smile.

"Hey, that's what I do," Knuckles protested.

"You'll survive," Rouge told him.

Blaze came up beside me and intertwined my hand with hers. I looked down to her amber eyes and smiled reassuringly. Then I bent down to kiss her forehead. "Kitten," I whispered.


"If anything happens-" I began.

She set a finger on my mouth, quieting me. "We go down together," she said.

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