Chapter 6- Aye Aye Aye... Stuff

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Shadow led me upstairs to where Sonic was. The office was so quiet, I could've sworn that no one was here. Up until I heard his voice.

"I don't care," I heard him say irritably. He would probably raise his voice except it was way too late and he'd be bothering other people. I didn't hear anyone reply so I guessed he was on the phone.

We walked into the room, and Sonic stared, awestruck. He put his mouth to the phone. "I'll deal with you later," he said softer and hung up the phone without waiting for a reply.

I took a deep breathe and looked up at him. "H-Hey," I choked out. His hair was dark, I couldn't tell if he kept it blue or if he dyed it to look like a normal person. His eyes were piercing green, they looked sad, and accusing. Surprisingly, he wore a black suit with a blue tie. I never thought he'd be one to follow dress code. He pushed his chair back and walked up to Shadow and pat him on his back. Shadow nodded in reply. I guess they became pretty good friends since I've been gone.

Sonic stood in front of me, looking down at me. It made me feel like a little child. "You've been gone for 5 years now," he said shakily. "And all you say to me, is 'Hey'?"

I looked away from him, tears in my eyes. "I've been gone for 5 years, and the first thing you do, is scold me," I shot back.

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I let out a small gasp, he used to hate when I hugged him. "God, I've missed you," he said into my neck.

I closed my eyes. I thought that him giving me a hug would make me feel amazing and possibly fall in love with him again. But, it didn't. I glanced at Shadow, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at his feet. I thought back to when I thought he would, er, when I wanted him to kiss me in the car and pulled away from Sonic.

"I missed you too," I said softly as he let go of me.

Sonic turned to Shadow. "How the hell did you find her?"

Shadow shrugged with a small smile. "Just when you guys got me to quit looking, I just stumbled upon her in the woods."

"Wow," Sonic said. He looked up, like he just had an epiphany or something. "What about the missing children? Did you ever find them?"

"Shit," Shadow ran his hand back through his hair. "I'll be right back," he said. Then he walked out briskly.

"Ookay," Sonic said awkwardly.

"I'm gonna go talk to him really quick. I'll explain everything to you when I get back," I said quickly. Then I chased after Shadow.

I stepped out into the brisk air, chilling me to the bone. I sneezed, I should've brought a jacket. Shadow sat in his car and started the engine. I finally got to his car and hit the flat of my hand against the window before he backed out of the lot.

He rolled the window and looked at me. "Amy, I have to find those children. I can't leave them," he said before I had a chance to say anything.

"Shadow, they're gone," I said, shivering.

"You don't know that!" he snapped at me. "I thought you were gone. We all did, and you're here. You're still here."

I rubbed my arms up and down. Fuck it was cold. "Shadow, that Diren that attacked us, he took the children. He killed them."

He turned the engine off and sat, unmoving. "What?" He whispered without looking at me.

The wind blew, putting pink hair into my face. "Please, Shadow," I pleaded, my teeth chattering. "Come back inside."

Shadow's POV-

I glanced at Amy and saw her shivering. She didn't have a coat. I immediately felt bad, she came outside in the cold to get me back inside. I opened the car door. She backed away as it came toward her. I took off my jacket and lied it across her shoulders. She glanced up at me and smiled.

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