Chapter 24- King For A Day

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(A/N- I strongly suggest listening to the song I linked into this part. Very good emphasis on the awesomeness of this chapter *.* By the way I named this chapter after the song, so really, give it a listen. :) )

Knuckles' POV-

There were much less Diren than before. The Hunters definitely had the advantage, and it looked like we were winning. Though it was hard to feel very victorious after the loss that had been suffered. I moved over to the rubble that Silver was hard at work to clear. A woman, I think the one that Sonic had saved helped him. Her delicate hands were badly scraped and bloody from their work.

I gently pulled her hands away. She looked up at me in confused anger. "I got it," I told her. I pulled the larger rocks that she couldn't get to, and with the help of Silver, we soon heard coughing underneath.

"Sonic!" Silver cried out. We sped up our work.

Then we saw a hand claw at a rock. I went up and helped pull him out while Silver cleared out the remaining rubble around him.

Sonic leaned heavily against the wall, breathing heavily. "Took you guys long enough," he commented.

The woman rushed up to him and kissed him. Silver and I watched with knowing smiles. The woman, realizing what she had just done, pulled away and stared at her feet, extremely embarrassed. Sonic blinked, and laughed. "You're welcome, my lady," he joked.

"Got that heroism you wanted after all, eh Sonic?" I asked.

He gave us a thumbs up with a ridiculous grin. "Sure did." Then he looked down at the woman. "What my your name be?"

"Kathy," she replied nervously. "Kathy Hawthorne."

"Sonic," he held his hand out. "Nice to be saving you."

She shook his hand and giggled.

"Ahem," Silver interrupted, "There are still Diren, that need to be fought."

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Amy's POV-

I crept up the hallway carefully. I crouched against the corner and peeked around it. The reason for this is because people expect someone to peer around the corner at about average height, they don't expect it at a child's height. Thus, you are likely to go unseen. The two guards stood at vigilant guard. They seemed relaxed, confident in their ability to "sense," any enemies. Boy, were they mistaken.

I slipped my two knives out of their sheaths at my belt, then moved into view. The guards stirred, surprised and confused. I used the advantage and sprinted toward them. I slit one's throat and spun round and thrust my other hand back, stabbing the other in the abdomen. I let their bodies fall with loud thuds, not caring to tip off the people inside the room, then kicked down the door.

Everyone was startled, as they were all facing the door that Anthony had come through. Vladimir had his dagger poised and moved to strike, but mine was faster. It whistled through the air and it hit home. He fell back, tumbling to the ground in a pile of limbs and jumbled clothing.

Shadow smiled at me and Chaos Controlled behind the two guards, knocking them out. He took Vladimir's dagger and removed the bonds that held his hands, then ran over to me. We crashed into each other, and he nearly crushed me in his hug. It was difficult to breathe, but I didn't care.

Anthony was fighting of the other two that led the Diren Council. "I could use some help guys!" He called out to us.

Shadow and I let go, and rushed to help Anthony. Shadow took care of the gel-haired Diren, Randy, I think Shadow said his name was. And I went after the woman. I swung my knife at her neck, but she blocked with her wrist against mine, avoiding the blade. She took my wrist and twisted it, causing me to cry out and drop my knife.

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