Chapter 13- Preperation

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Amy's POV-

I was sitting next to Shadow on a log outside in the backyard. The sun had just started to set and all of the Hunter community sat around a fire. No one had yelled at me or confronted me since I flipped out on Hunter Romero the night before. Everyone was also jumping at the opportunity to train my friends. The ones who were becoming Apprentices, of course.

Tails and Cream had gone home earlier this morning. I still felt a little depressed feeling their missing presence.

The eldest Hunter, Tovar, stood with his hands up making everyone fall silent. "We've been called here by Hunter Rose, I'll skip the pleasantries and allow her to explain the situation," he said, gesturing to me to stand.

I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling very nervous. Shadow gave my hand a squeeze and smiled at me. Everyone's attention was on me as I stood in the center of the circle they have made.

"You all know that I've recently come of age as the Profeta," I began, scanning over all of them. All of their head bobbed up and down in confirmation.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and shrugged. "I'm just gonna cut to the chase. The Diren Council I've found out five days ago they had a meeting and are planning war on the Hunters."

Chaos. Everyone jumped out to yell at me other than my team. I winced and held my hands to my ears, trying to soften the thunderous noise. I also noticed that Romero had remained in his seat, completely silent.

The main message was that I should've told everyone how to kill them.

I opened my eyes again, I knew they were silver again. Like they had been yesterday. I guess it happened when I got extremely pissed. I was looking down at everyone outside of myself. I stood up taller, and yelled into everyone's minds, ENOUGH!

Everyone shrunk down, remembering the way I had flipped out on Romero. I'm not sorry though. I'm tired of the way these Hunters treat me. Too bad that it doesn't go how they want. I had good reasons. Despite being tricked by the Diren.

I went back into my normal vision. It was quiet again. "Let me get this point across, the Council and I had an agreement that as long as I told no one, this is exactly what would be avoided." I turned toward my friends and continued, "Not only that, but they said they wouldn't go after my friends from my old life."

All of my friends looked like they just had an epiphany or something. They knew that I joined the Hunters, but they didn't know that I stayed to keep them safe.

I crossed my arms. "You don't have to like me. Nor really respect me. But you better trust that what I say is true." I directed my gaze towards the elders. "Because it means we are all in very serious danger."

Once I had sat down again, there were lots of hushed conversations. The elders went to speak with one another on what they might do about it. Shadow rubbed my back up and down when I had come to sit next to him. It was comforting, and I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright, Roza," he whispered in my ear.

I stared into the fire absently. "I hope so," was all I said in reply.

The elders came to stand in front of us, blocking my view and making me look up. Hunter Tovar was the one who spoke, "Then we need your help, Hunter Rose. And the help of your friends."

I nodded and stood once again. "I've checked and found no Diren nearby, but to make sure I'm going to speak to through my visions."

People began whispering again, wondering as to what I was talking about. I ignored it and went into the vision.

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