Chapter Two

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Warning: Mention of sexual harassment

School had definitely been hell before the SQUIP but now it was more like hell with a super sexy satin who made cookies on good days. Classes were uninspiring, teachers unhelpful and the whole experience generally pretty stressful and irrelevant. However, it seemed the school had grown closer and Jeremy felt a very strong bond to his current group of friends. They had been given insight into the importance of being individual and acting upon your own free will.

It was very difficult for Michael to accept the people who had tormented him for years as friends. They were more acquaintances who Jeremy liked. He had grown close to Rich after meeting him at the hospital. At the time he hadn't really spoken a word to him aside from exchanging numbers so Rich could contact him, "You know, if Jeremy wakes up while you're out buying a slushy or if Jeremy's dad forces you to go home again to sleep." Rich laughed at himself but Michael turned his gaze to his white Heelys, If Jeremy wakes up. He shook his head to get rid of the thought.

Rich babbled away. It was seriously a challenge to get this kid to shut up. He could talk about anything under the sun. Which, apparently, was mostly Jake. Michael smiled. Even if he didn't show it he genuinely liked Rich when he wasn't trying to flush his glasses down the toilet. It was really freaky how he changed so quickly but he had explained at some point how thankful he was to be rid of the SQUIP constantly shocking him. Apparently, he wanted to accept himself and owed a lot to Michael. Still, he must have been pretty weak minded to get himself into this situation.

Was Jeremy weak minded too? Or are we just condemned to be disappointed if we pursue our dreams? When did wants become needs and needs become reality which become wants again to numb the pain of living. When you want something enough that you're prepared to reach out for it, will we always find it never to be as good as it appeared from a distance? That wealth or success come with their own evils too? That contentment is just a façade projected by feigned interest and love just an escape from being alone? Maybe the pursuit of happiness was just that. The pursuit of the impossible.

Was Michael weak? Too scared to tell Jeremy about his true feelings for fear of failure and risking too much. Or were the years of supressing his feelings finally taking their toll. Did that make him weak or smart? Was there even a difference?

He looked up again to see that Rich was still talking although concern was evident in his eyes. Michael had spaced out for longer than usual. He put his headphones on and sat by Jeremy's bed. Rich kept the 'conversation' going. It was as if he knew that the other boy wasn't playing any music.

After they had all been discharged, Rich texted Michael inviting him to play x-box at his house. Michael felt he knew the boy pretty well by now so he obliged. It was the first time both of them engaged in the conversation and they spent most of their time talking about their crushes and devising ridiculous plans to win them over. Strangely enough, Rich had a Harry Potter obsession so googled the ingredients to a love potion. Michael had said he would need something stronger to turn Jeremy gay. How wrong had he been?

"Jeremy!" Michael flagged his friend down in the hallway just after school was let out, "Rich and I decided in English that we're going to the mall. You wanna come? I can drop you off at yours if you want."

"No, I'll come. Unless you don't want me to come in which ca-"

Michael rolled his eyes, "Of course we want you to come Jer. You got all the books you need from your locker?"

"Yeah. I don't rea-"

Jeremy was cut off again by Rich shouting at them from less than two meters away, "Hey best friend!" He sounded so different with his lisp and positive attitude.

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