Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Smut

At some point in time the boys had decided they were going to play through the entirety of Super Mario Bro's over the term break, so that's what they were currently doing. After five hours of jumping in and out of pipes and discussing whether or not Waluigi was actually a cool character (albeit not in the actual game) Jeremy was finding it hard to concentrate. Or more, he was finding Michael more interesting to look at. His dorky laugh and the way he'd jump around as if it would actually help toad get through the level easier, or the way he'd bite his lower lip or stick his tongue out a little had Jeremy transfixed.

Michael glanced at him and smiled before doing a double take when he realised Jeremy was staring. One of their characters died on screen but neither of them cared.

"Getting bored?"

"No, you're just hot." He covered his mouth when he realised he had spoken aloud. Michael exploded into a fit of giggles. "Stop laughing at me!" Jeremy wailed, pushing his boyfriend off his beanbag chair only to be pulled down into a passionate kiss.

When they surfaced for air Michael set his glasses down and rolled Jeremy over so he was straddling him before connecting their lips again forcefully. Jeremy's hands ventured up from where they had been resting on Michael's hips to underneath his shirt. A small gasp escaped Michael's lips, allowing Jeremy to slip his tongue into the other boy's mouth. The taller boy did the same and soon enough their tongues were waging a war while Jeremy ran his hands up and down Michael's sides.

Eventually they had to come up for more air, Michael's eyes were shining wildly with passion and craving. He left trails of kisses along Jeremy's Jawline and massaged his boyfriend's nipple through his shirt. Fucking clothes, always getting in the way. He nibbled Jeremy's ear lobe and sucked at his neck, looking for sweet spots. He bruised easily. Jeremy groaned, grinding up slightly and pressing their erections together through the fabric.

Michael picked him up and walked over to his bed where he set him down carefully, as if he were made of porcelain. He sat with one leg either side of Jeremy's hips and slipped his fingers under his boyfriend's shirt, searching his ocean blue eyes for approval. A nod. He worked the shirt off Jeremy's torso and kissed from his neck to his stomach, one of his hands playing with Jeremy's collar bone and the other rubbing any spot on his exposed skin that he could reach. Jeremy's hands ran through Michael's hair and he hummed in contentment.

Then their lips were connected again and Jeremy was tugging on Michael's shirt, who seemed reluctant to take it off. Jeremy pulled away and pouted, the taller boy rolled his eyes and removed his hoodie. He wasn't wearing anything underneath and Jeremy almost laughed at this notion but decided instead to invert their current arrangement so he was sitting on Michael's waste, "beautiful," he whispered, running his hands up and down Michael's body, "you're so beautiful." He kissed the boys mouth and felt his voluptuous sides, it should honestly be a crime for him to be as seductively curvy as he was, for a male. Jeremy smiled into the kiss, still unable to understand how he had gone so many years without realising how insanely attractive his best friend was.

He planted kisses all over Michael's stomach and let his hands wander to the boy's thighs, tracing little circles with his thumb. His skin was so soft where Jeremy was nuzzling into it and he could feel his abdomen rising and falling as he breathed, feel his heartbeat and just how alive and how raw they both felt. Blood pumped through his veins and he felt like he was on fire, hyper aware of how slowly time was passing. He palmed Michael through his jeans which earnt him a low groan, he looked up and could see that Michael wanted it, he was itching for more.

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