Chapter Five

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It was Saturday afternoon and Jeremy was scrolling mindlessly through his Facebook feed sipping a cup of pomegranate tea. The film Jared and Michael had been to see had ended ten minutes ago and he was currently waiting for an update on how the date had gone.

His phone buzzed and he checked the notification: Jared Kleinman has updated his profile, currently in a relationship with Michael Mell.

Jeremy threw his phone in frustration and screamed into his pillow. Confliction. He knew he should be happy for his friend but he despised Jared and couldn't help but be consumed by jealousy.

At first, he had tried denying his feelings for his best friend, he was straight after all wasn't he? But as the days progressed, he fell for Michael more and more. His adoration had quickly grown into a longing, a virtually tangible physical craving that seemed to suffocate the logical parts of his brain. Gosh, just thinking about him now felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. Jared was such an asshole.

Scowling, he picked his phone up off the floor. It had miraculously escaped with merely a crack in the corner of the screen where it hit the wall. He ventured downstairs in search of some honey ice cream; his go to comfort food; and sat eating it on the couch, staring blankly into the distance.

"I everything alright son?"

Jeremy glanced at his dad, swallowing the scoop of ice cream he had just shovelled into his mouth, "ummm..." was he really ready to have this conversation now? Oh, who gives a fuck, it wasn't like things could get any worse, "Dad I uhhh, actually have something to tell you."

He sat on the couch chair facing his son and nodded.

"I'm actually bisexual," Jeremy picked at his cardigan, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh really? That wasn't what I was expecting I thought you were going to say something I didn't already know." He grinned widely like he'd just made the funniest joke in the world.

Jeremy deadpanned him, "Dad, what the hell?"

"Anyway, how long have you been putting off telling me?"

"Since the play happened."

"Ahh, I see," He said knowingly, "Well I want you to know that it doesn't bother me in the least and I'm proud to call you my son. What was the othe-oh yeah! I'll support you no matter what."

Jeremy smiled and got up to hug Paul, "Thanks dad. I love you."

"I love you too Jeremy."

Suddenly a knock came at the door and they both leapt apart out of fright, "I'll get it." Jeremy attempted to sound cheerful, knowing it was Michael at the door.

He let his friend in and smiled somewhat unconvincingly, "how'd it go?"

Michael's face cracked into a huge grin, "It actually went really well. Turns out I am capable of talking to people I barely know so there you go. How's your day been?"

The shorter boy shrugged, "Pretty good."

"Umm, not meaning to be rude but why is your dad watching us from behind the staircase wall?"

"Wait what! Dad, go do some work or something." Paul saluted before scampering off in the direction of his study, "I just came out to him so that's probably why he's being a bit protective or something."

Michael's expression morphed into one of pure delight, "omg you did it! Congrats, I'm so proud of you Jer, that really takes a lot of confidence. It went well I take it?"

"Oh yeah, yeah great actually. He did the whole 'I'll be there for you no matter what' spiel. Which was a relief. He's been trying really hard lately, I don't know what you said to him but he always tells me he promised you something so thank you know, whatever it is you did."

Michael waved it off, "No, any time man. So, are we gonna go play some Apocalypse of the Damned or what?"

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