Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Short chapter

Michael lay sprawled on the lounge, Jeremy between his legs and resting his head on the taller boy's chest. He was asleep while Michael smiled and gently ran his fingers through Jeremy's brown locks. God, he was gorgeous. Full pink lips and long eyelashes that caressed his cheeks. Freckles littered his nose and his skin was smooth as fuck. He had a sharp jawline and fine features, just looking at him made Michael giddy. He was bursting with love and wanting, so content and so ready. It was like all his anxiety about the future just melted away, when the two were together, that was the only thing that mattered.

Michael kissed the other boy's forehead, his whisper barely audible, "I'm gonna marry you one day."

His glasses just about got knocked of his face from how fast Jeremy sat up, "What did you say?"

"Shit, I thought you were asleep."

"What did you say?" He repeated.

A deep blush rose in the Filipino's cheeks but he was too stunned to come up with another response and Jeremy's deep blue eyes were boring holes in his skin, "Err...umm...I said that I err was going to umm m-marry you ugh one day?"

Jeremy half-screamed and nearly fell of the couch, "You really want to marry me when we're older?"

Michael rolled his eyes, "Yes, that's why I said it dofus. Unless you don't want a dog," He added quickly, "If you are too hung up over getting one of your beloved felines then I can't live with you I'm sorry."

Jeremy chuckled, filled with child-like excitement "We're going to get married one day." He smiled and bit his lower lip. Neither of the boys had ever thought about the possibility of marriage or even finding the love of their life and Michael couldn't help but smile at how much it obviously meant to Jeremy.

"Just hold on a second." The taller boy got off the couch and scrambled upstairs. He returned to find Jeremy hugging himself and giggling to the roof, "I found this upstairs. It's a promise ring."

"Aww Mikey, that's so sweet!" Jeremy blushed a deep shade of red.

"Yeah, well I guess we might as well make this official hey?"

"Yeah, yeah we totally should." Jeremy held his hand out shyly and Michael slid the pacman couples ring his parents had gifted him recently onto his slim finger. He sat down and put his own on before taking Jeremy's hand, "I love you. I tell you that enough right?"

A chase kiss, "every day. I love you too. You know, I never thought I'd say this but I'm so glad we didn't stay friends forever."

Michael smiled, "Yeah, me too. And I'm actually kind of glad we went through all that shit with the SQUIP. You probably feel different but I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if it weren't for that."

"No,I think you're right. As much as I regret it every day it's all worth it forthis." He squeezed their hands, "It's worth it for us."    

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