Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Jeremy needs to calm tf down but we all know he's too dense for that.

A week passed. Jeremy didn't go to school or answer any messages. His friends would come over every so often to check on him but Rich hadn't dropped by and that was who he wanted to speak to. Sure, he could have just texted him but he wasn't keen on doing so.

Another six days wizzed by and he still had no idea what he was going to say to Michael or indeed when he was going to say it. He had been secretly hoping that Michael would have noticed his absence from school and called to check he was alright. He knew this was irrational but still, he liked to think he lived in hope.

So, it was Thursday and the term break was in four weeks' time. He really wanted to be spending that time with Michael, even just as friends, so he would definitely have to sort something out by then.

It was then that he heard a knock at the door. He went to investigate and found Rich outside shivering in his tank top.

"Look, I'm not gonna stay long. I'm on my way to Michael's and I just thought I should drop by to tell you to hurry the fuck up. The two of you are driving me insane, just go over to his tomorrow and apologise already. That's all I have to say just, I'll see you at school on Monday alright?"

"Yeah, umm, how's Michael doing?"

"Better. He's not really, urgh, maybe take him some food when you go over there, I can't get him to eat. He'll probably listen to you. See you Monday."

"See you then."

He closed the door having resolved to follow Rich's instructions. He was confused though; It was weird that Michael was reluctant to eat, he normally handled situations like this by overeating. Why the sudden change? He frowned as he flicked through the limited number of cookbooks his dad had purchased, eventually settling on what he was going to make. Michael was a tomorrow problem.

~Time Skip~

Jeremy fidgeted nervously, holding his mobile to his ear as it rang.

"Hello, Louise Mell here, how can I help."

"Hi Louise, I'm really sorry to bother you at work but it's Jeremy here." He mentally kicked himself for using the word 'here'.

"Oh, hi Jeremy," Her tone softened, "I was wondering if you were going to give me a call. How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm err, I'm ok. Look, I was wondering if it's alright by you if I go see Michael this afternoon. So, I'll be at your house if that's okay."

"Yes, that's fine, thank you for calling me. Please be careful with Michael though as I'm sure you know he hasn't been at school and-"

"He hasn't been at school?"

Ms Mell sounded taken aback, "No, I thought you would have noticed."

"No, it's just I haven't been at school either so I didn't know."

"Oh, right I see. Good luck tonight then and I hope you're more successful at talking sense into my son than I am."

Jeremy laughed a little at this, "No guarantee I'm afraid – Michael can be very determined but I will certainly try my hardest. Thank you."

"See you later Jeremy."

She hung up. Jeremy stowed his phone in his back pocket and grabbed his bag before heading out. He couldn't back out now, he had to do this.

The walk to Michael's normally took twenty-seven minutes but he ran today, meaning it would take a little over fifteen minutes. He knew vaguely what he was going to say but was going to be relying mostly on the ab lib skills he'd acquired from not practicing a single presentation he'd had to give during his schooling career.

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