Chapter 8: Reston

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Tristan landed his ship on Reston. He landed on his special landing pad behind his business building. "Welcome to Reston. This is Grave Industries." Tristan said to everyone. "Woah...This place looks amazing!" Tony said. After they landed a girl came out in high heels and a tuxedo. "Hey da-" Before she finished her sentence she fell on the ground. Everyone started laughing. "This is your second time falling when I return Melissa! Is this gonna become a thing?" Tristan said. Melissa got up and put the dirt off her shirt. "I sure hope it doesn't become a thing." Melissa said. "Hey Tristan who's that?" James said. "That's my daughter. She's pretty clumsy!" Tristan said jokingly. "I'm wearing high heels!" Melissa said. "Well enough with the clumsiness. Oh hey there...uhh...other people...I'm Melissa Grave! I run Grave Industries! My dad is the creator." Melissa said. "Nice to meet you." James said. "Likewise." Melissa said back. "So you wanna come inside? Check things out?" Melissa said. "Sure." James said.

Inside Grave Industries was a lot of technology. They were testing mechs, guns, and other technologies. "This is the testing room. It's where we test prototypes of different tech and see if we need to make improvements to old tech." Melissa said. "This place is cool!" Tony said. "Yes. It sure is." Melissa said. "Can I test some things out?" Tony said. "Sure, but BE CAREFUL!" Melissa said. Tony walked over to a mech and turned it on. He went into it. The mech scanned him and said "Welcome Tony Kendrick!". "Woah! This is cool! What does this button do?" Tony pressed the button. Missiles started to shoot out and they exploded a wall. "Oops." Tony said. "I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!" Melissa said angrily. "I know. I was curious." Tony said. "Ugh...whatever...we have more than enough money to rebuild that wall anyways..." Melissa said. "I learned this in my time on Earth. Earth humans tend to be very curious. It's both a good and bad quality" Tristan said. "I can see that." Melissa said. "Sorry about that." Tony said. "Whatever. We can rebuild that." Melissa said.

They went into the next room. It was a planning room. "Here's the planning room. Now don't break anything this time." Melissa said. "Yes ma'am" Tony said. Elias walked up to a person and started talking to him. Elias loves planning. "What is this?" Elias said. "This is a blueprint for a new weapon we like to call the Obliterater." The man said. "So what does it do?" Elias said. "It is able to instantly kill someone. It's a bullet with a deadly neurotoxin that goes inside the body and quickly kills the person. If the shot doesn't kill you the neurotoxin will." The man said. "That is cool. I'm guessing for private armies?" Elias said. "Correct." The man said. "What's your name?" Elias said. "Dakota. What's yours?" Dakota said. "Elias. Well it was nice meeting you. Hope to see you again!" Elias said. "See ya!" Dakota said.

After an hour of checking stuff out the group went to the ship. "Bye dad! Will I see you again?" Melissa said. "Of course. Probably in a few years." Tristan said. "Well I'll get that wall fixed. Hope you don't die out there!" Melissa said. "I'm not going to die out there! I'm Tristan Grave! I'm going to be alive for a long time!" Tristan said. "Heh. I know. I'm just worried sometimes." Melissa said. "It's okay. I'm going to be fine. Well bye Melissa." Tristan said. "Bye dad." Melissa said. Tristan then went into the ship and looked out the window at Melissa. She was running, then she tripped. Tristan then started laughing like crazy. They then went out of orbit to go to Salem.

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