Chapter 11: The Capital

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The ship went underwater and into the capital. "Welcome to Saleth." Jtracia said. "Woah. This place looks beautiful." James said in awe. "It sure is." Jtracia said. The group landed on a platform near a home. "This home is yours. The army will talk to you tomorrow to state how things will work with you in this city." Jtracia said. "Ok. Talk to you tomorrow." James said. The group went inside the house. "Woah this house looks amazing!" Tony said. "It sure is." Tristan said. They looked in what looked like a fridge and found native foods. Michelle saw that purple cactus. "HOLY MELONS IT'S THE CACTUS!" Michelle said with excitement. She grabbed half of the cacti from the fridge looking item and packed some in a bag, then she ate the rest. "Hey save some for us!" Elias said.

They all woke up the next morning energized. "Woah those beds are amazing! They're so comfortable!" James said. "They are. That's the best night's sleep I've had in a long time." Tristan said. Just then Tristan's phone rang. It was Jtracia. "The general is ready" Jtracia said over the phone. "Ok. We'll be heading there as soon as possible. We just need to eat first." Tristan said to Jtracia. "Ok. Make sure to meet us at this address." Jtracia texted him the address to the place they were gonna meet. "Thanks. See you there." Tristan said to Jtracia. "Bye." Jtracia said before hanging up. "Ok guys what do we have for breakfast?" Tristan said. "We have cacti noodles with squid-like meat." Zack said. "Noodles for breakfast? Is that normal here?" Tristan asked. "I read a brochure and it said "breakfast is fresh cacti noodles with larinka meat."" Ruby said. "So the squid-like meat is called larinka meat? That's good to know I guess." Tristan said. They all ate breakfast. They all thought it was "HOLY MELONS!" amazing. They all walked out the door and into their ship. "Time to go to the meeting." Tristan said as he put in the coordinates to the building. He turned on his ship and it started moving through the water towards the building.

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