Chapter 18: One More Battle

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The group went inside Lewal's room. Lewal wasn't there. "What? Where is h-" James was cut off by the sound of a mech's foot stomping on the ground. "I think I know where he is..." Tony said. Just then Lewal broke the wall with his mech. "I see you somehow found this base. Why don't you surrender yourself? No matter what you're gonna die by me." Lewal said. "We'll see about that." Tristan said. They started going after the mech. The mech just kicked them and they flew to the other side of the room. "You thought this was gonna be easy?" Lewal said. Tristan crawled to his wheelchair. "Nope. I just know that you're scared." Tristan said. "Scared of what?" Lewal said. "Us. You're scared of us because you keep running away from us. You got into a mech just to fight a few people." Tristan said. "I'm just using my resources to my advantage. Now DIE!" Lewal said maniacally. Lewal shot missles out of the mech. A rock fell down right in front of the group. The missles blew up the rock. Everyone in the group wasn't injured. Zack grabbed out a missile launcher and shot at Lewal's mech. Lewal's mech was heavily damaged but not destroyed. "How DARE YOU!" Lewal said furiously. Zack then grabbed a spare bomb and stuck it on the center of the mech. "If you come any closer to us then you die. Get out of the mech" Zack said. "Fine." Lewal said as he got out of the mech. "Ok. Now come with us Lewal." Zack said. Lewal launched himself at Zack. Zack moved out of the way and knocked Lewal down. "Run guys!" Zack said as he was keeping Lewal down. The group ran out of the room. The group went outside. They saw the base blow up.

They ran into the wreckage to look for survivors. They saw two figures in the smoke. "You think I can go out that easily huh...? Well I'm not that easy to kill..." Lewal said injured. Zack came crawling out from the smoke. "Guys..." Zack said bleeding out. Lewal pointed a gun at Zack's head. "Lewal don't do it!" James yelled. Lewal shot Zack point blank in the head. "ZACK!" James yelled in disbelief. "Now it's time to finish you off..." Lewal said as he grabbed the orb. "Orb I command to kill these people!" The orb started floating up into the air, then it stopped and shut down. "What!? Work you piece of shit!" Lewal yelled furiously. "You have started something world ending Lewal..." The Orb said. Just then a portal appeared in space. Out of it came a god-like creature. "It's here..." Tristan said out of disbelief and fear.

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