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🌹Chapter Nine🌹

The sun was beaming hot,
stinging my fragile,(S/C) skin as sweat made its way from my forehead down my rosy cheeks. We were out training. I went along with them since I had nothing else to do... They put me to fight against Gaara, well of course they would😒😳 "Ready?" He asked in his usual,dry voice."Just as ready as you are, love."
"Ladies first,I guess..."
"You're too kind."
I made some hand signs.
After those hand signs were made, the kanji for 'Rose' was glowing under my feet, I made another hand sign but with one hand which made roses burst from underneath the ground going straight at the red head. "Wow." Could be heard from Kankuro and Temari while their Sensei on the other hand,arms were folded and nodded with a smirk stitched on his face which meant he was impressed, right?
Gaara send thin strands of sand, almost like hair at the at the overgrowing stems of roses corrupted with thorns. It pierced through the stems,leaving them penetrated on the spot.
"Two can play this game.."
I made hand signs with my dominant hand while the other was on the kanji on the floor. The vines of roses and corrupted thorns retreated back into the kanji. I charged at him and punched the sand shield that was protecting him, it slightly cracked. Gaara,
standing there with a smirk played on his pale face and his arms folded like a boss,
taking in my movements as the sand does all the work. I flipped back, dodging the attacks he sent. I then stopped in my track to see I was rooted.
"As you said,two can play this game."
"I know. And in every game," I formed a hand sign,"there is a cheater."
"Birdcage..." I chanted,
Underneath Gaara's feet,
eroded steps of roses.
They clasped together, forming a bird cage around him. "I can't believe it!!!" Yelled Kankuro, "Well played, (Y/N), my love..." Gaara complimented, "But I can play better."
"•  •  • Eh?" Inside the birdcage sand was swirling all over, making it hard to see what's going on inside.
'I can't see a thing...' I scanned inside the cage but there's nothing else I can see but sand. He loosened me out of the root,I shook the sand of of my foot and walked toward the birdcage "Eek!" I was grabbed and pulled into the birdcage. "H-huh?" I tilted my head as I was now inside the birdcage.
"!?" I was pulled into a tight embrace I looked up,
"H-huh? Why?"
"You're asking for it..."
"😮?" He tilted my head upwards to face him. I looked into his aqua green orbs as he stared into my own. In less than a second, his soft pale lips which I've admired was now brushing against mine. It's been quite a while since I've kissed him, his kisses were so gentle and soft. His kisses were getting more intimate by the second. The place is hot, his kisses were hotter and I could just faint... 'Surrender...' His words echoed through my head, 'Wait d-does he mean surrender by withdrawing from the spar?' Not only were the kisses getting more intimate but rougher.
'I can't take any more...'
"I- I- I..." I stuttered between the kisses,
"I surrender..." He parted his lips from mine, leaving a line of spit trailing from our tongues as we gasp desperately for air... "That's all I wanted to hear," He said with a smirk, "Aye, what's going on in there???" Kankuro yelled,
"Oh no...don't tell me...." Temari teased from the other side.
"Oh God,no!" I took down the bird cage while Gaara eased the mini sand storm.
"Did you even know what  i was taking about?" She asked, "I- uh- ummm..." I stand there with my face as red as a tomato. Gaara ruffled my hair as he walked by, he was blushing at Temari's childish thinking as well but he brushed it off... "So what happened in there?"
"Nothing of the sort..."
"Am I sure about that?"
"Sh-shut up or I'll kill you"
"Alright,alright...." Temari threw her hands up in defeat,

The Monster & The Desert Rose (Gaara x Reader)🌹Where stories live. Discover now