{15} First Day Of Training

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🌹Chapter Fifteen🌹
First Day Of Training

"Sister, wake up!" Yumi shook me vigorously,
"Mmmph, I'm up, I'm up!" I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly,
"Come on sister, your bath is getting cold!" She dragged me off of the bed,


I met up with Kōri at the temple halls, "So, how am i gonna start.. ?"
"Meditation, relaxation of the mind, body and soul.."
"Sounds like a great start.."
We exited the temple halls and made our way outside to the compound, "Follow me," she said,
"Always was..." I giggled.
Where we stopped had circles of various sizes and the floor, Kōri picked the biggest circle for both of us to fit on it, "Sit like this," she sat in a lotus position and I did the same, "Now, close your eyes..." As I closed my eyes, I felt as if I was floating upwards and shot my eyes back open, "Close your eyes or we will both fall..." She said,
"Okay..." I closed my eyes shut once again, "Breathe.." She said, "Inhale, hold, exhale..."
"Think about the things you need, what you are aiming to achieve, whom you want to protect..."

'Inhale, hold, exhale, inhale, hold, exhale...'

I told myself repeatedly in my mind, "Relax your shoulders, let the wind blow in your hair, let your breath be calm and smooth, hear your heart beat; listen to what it want.. What does your heart want?"

"Gaara💓... Gaara💓... Gaara💓.."

I heard my heart cry every time it pumped blood.

"Inhale, hold, exhale. Inhale, hold, exhale. Inhale, hold, exhale. Inhale, hold, exhale!" 

It became to hard to bare, my chest rise and fell uncontrollably.

"Gaara💓,Gaara💓, Gaara💓, Gaara💓, Gaara💓, Gaara💓!"

"Ah!" I shot my eyes open and the floating surface began to fall, "Close your eyes and regain your focus, (Y/N), or we'll both fall.
I closed back my eyes, the surface stopped and began to escalate itself..





"After some time, you'll get used to it. I recommend you to do it on your leisure time for at least twenty- five to thirty minutes, I also recommend you to meditate before you fall into your slumber."
"Oh, okay what about-"
"That crying voice? That's your heart, it cried for what it wanted. What did yours want?"
"It wanted to be with Gaara.."
"I heard."
"Oh. My heart has a big mouth.." Kōri chuckled.





I sat in my room, trying over what I had learnt today.. To be honest, I feel more relaxed, free
(not because of the fact that I'm not wearing a bra)
but still free... After my two hour long meditation, I thought of writing a letter to Gaara.. I pulled out a paper, a bowl of black ink and a paint brush then began to scribble across the blank page.

Dear Gaara,

I still feel guilty about leaving you, I hope you're doing a bit better now...

I've done my first part of training, meditation. You should try it!
It's like sitting for hours without moving and with silence.

I think of you every day and wish I could kiss you, but that will have to wait. Sadly.

One day, we'll meet again and have a fresh start in our relationship and I'll make sure to write to you as soon as possible and tell Temari and Kankuro I said 'hi'.

Forever Yours,
(L/N F/N)


I folded the paper and placed it in an envelope,
I dripped red candle wax and stamped it with the temple's crest.. I kneeled at my bedside and began to pray, 'May I reach to my full potential as a Rozū Shinobi and that Gaara kept his promise in changing for the better and most of all, see him again... Amen.'
I got up off my bed and laid myself to rest, "Goodnight, Gaara."

Gaara's Pov

"Goodnight, Y/N". I say, looking at the starlit sky

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