{26} Ochita Hoshi

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🌹Chapter Twenty-six🌹
Ochita Hoshi

The skies were a dull purple, the sun has bearly even peeked over the village. I got up and prepared myself, not for any everyday thing but for battle.. Last night, it was hard to break the news to mom. She became a wreck.


"You were out really late and your brother isn't home yet, what's going on?"
My heart sank as she mentioned him, "Mom, she took him.."
"The woman in the shrine took him mom.."
"My baby boy! Oh no.." She began to sob, "Mom, I know what you're feeling and you should blame me. I'm the one she wants, she took him to trigger me.. I'll get him back, okay?"

*End Of Flashback*

I looked at the picture of me holding my brother when he was a baby on the nightstand, "I love you, I promise... I'll bring you home safe and sound.."
I said with tears falling from my eyes as I caress the picture. I walked outside and hugged my mother, "Be careful, okay?"
"I will, mom. I love you.."
"I love you so much!"
"Good bye!" I met up with Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and Chiyo at the gates of the village, "Are all of you ready?" Gaara asked,
"Hai." We all replied and went off to meet with our allied village.

*At The Gates Of Konoha*

    The sun was already up, it was about seven thirty in the morning and the ninjas sent up for this mission were already waiting, "Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, Neji.." I greeted,
"(Y/N).." They looked at me, "Wether you like it or not, I'm the one leading both villages. So, we have to get past what happened years ago between all of us. Hai?" I stated, "Hai.." They all replied, I smiled. "Hokage Tsunade, a pleasure to meet you.." We both shook hands..
"Okay, let's go everyone.."
Everyone dashed off, most  leaping through trees while some running on the ground.

🕢Hours Into

"We're close, I can feel it.." I said as I memorized the way in my head and moved faster, "How can you feel it and not the rest of us?" Naruto asked, "It's a gift only a special shinobi can bear." I simply replied,
"You're not perfect, (Y/N). There's something special about each and every one of us.." Neji said,
"Who said I was perfect!?" I stopped, "I'm the reason all these people have gone missing! And you're the one still acting like you know it all.. Can you at least cut me some slack!? I've gone through nothing but hell during the past years..."
"(Y/N), calm down.." Kankuro said, "Ugh!" I ran forward and left them behind, though they called my name I still ignored..

There it is...

The red tinted scenery was before me. The sakura trees lined off, forming a path and sprinkled petals, falling slowly.. From the trees were thick vines with thorns that corrupted the path for me to walk. It was like a vessel, aligning the beats in one single rhythm.  I looked a little further and there it was, the shrine.. I tried to move the the vines but they still stood strong, "Okay, (Y/N), you got this." As Kōri taught me, I focused my chakra at my fingertips and waved it, the vines were sliced but not completely to form a path. As I walked deeper in, I waved my finger back and forth, side to side and finally, I made it through to the shrine.

I stepped on the rocks that led to the shrine, "(Y/N), be careful!" Gaara yelled, "I will.." I replied as I slowly approached the shrine. Before I can touch the shrine, thick vines of roses infested with thorns burst through from behind the shrine. I flipped backwards and used the two finger technique to cut through then stuck paper bombs on few of them, making them explode. "You got this,
(Y/N)!" Temari cheered, I continued to dodge the thorns gracefully while placing paper bombs and continued to do so until I reached back to the seal and quickly peeled it off. 

   As I ripped it off, a gush of wind blew me off my feet making me fall and roll. Gaara caught me, "Are you okay?" He asked as he held me.
"Yes, I am.." I replied trying to get up.

"Oh, (Y/N) my dear, I have been waiting for you.."

"Where is Konohamaru you-" Naruto yelled,

"I'm afraid I wasn't talking to you..."

She entangled him in roses, "Naruto!" Hinata yelled, Ochita entangled her too.

"Members of the Leaf are here, where is Sarutobi? Don't tell me the old man is dead.."

She cackled uncontrollably, "How dare you talk about him that way!? He was a great man and he died for all of us!!" Naruto yelled,

"And he's the one who knew who your parents were and hid your identity.. He's the reason why your were alone and unknown for twelve years.."

"He did it for a reason!"

"For what reason?"

She tilted her head to the side innocently, Naruto stayed silent.

"That's what I thought,"

She then turned her attention to me.
"Let go of those innocent people, I'm the one you want.." I tried to bargain.

"If I lose, I free the people I held captive and reward you with the sword. If I win, you stay with me in the shrine, forever..."

"You got yourself a deal.."


Author's Note:

You guys got to the shrine and released Ochita! It's gonna get crazy after this, trust me..

-What does Ochita want with you that she wants you to stay in the shrine with her FOREVER?

-The way she put Naruto in his place, though!

-Will you hold up your end of the bargain or drop it?

Amethyst The One And Only, Out!

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