{11} The Finale of The Chunin Exams...

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🌹Chapter Eleven🌹
The Chunin Exam Finale
part I

Finally, the day we've been waiting for...

The Chunin Exam Finale!

Or So We Thought....

'After the exams, I'll tell Gaara and his siblings about my training," I thought, 'But will Gaara be mad at me? Or will he be happy- UGGAH!!! THIS IS SO...SO FRUSTRATING!!?!'
I mentally pull my
(length,color) hair mentally, not noticing I did it in real life as well.. "Are you okay?" The voice of Temari snapped me back to reality... "Oh, yeah. I'm fine!" I reassured her, "Are you sure? Because... You're tugging your hair." She pointed out... "Oh, hehe... I'm probably over thinking things..."
"What's there to overthink?"
She questioned, raising her eyebrow with suspicion,
"N- nothing!" I lied,
"Something's going on you're not telling us..."
"*sigh* If I tell you, Please don't tell Gaara and Kankuro..." I pleaded,
"Fine. Out with it."
"Ther jutsu I have is a special jutsu that can only be used by a woman..."
"Mhm..." She shook her head, gesturing me to go on... "In every village, there's someone who has it. And there's a temple that looks for those people and trains them... I came across one of those people at the market and she offers to train me..."
"Yes,go on..."
"And the training takes about six years. In my case, it may be less..."
"So what you're trying to say is; A lady who has the same jutsu as you wants to take you to a sacred temple and train you for six years, but in your case it may be less...And you're afraid of leaving Gaara alone?"
"Yes! that's exactly what's going on!!"
"Try your best to explain it to him... There's a possibility he would be happy or mad."
"Oh, okay..."
I look over at Kankuro and Gaara whom were conversing with their Sensei, "Well,I'm gonna go over there..."
"Yeah..." I took my seat. I glanced to my right to see the pink haired girl whom I assumed was Sakura, A blonde girl whom I assumed was Ino...
"I hope Sasuke's okay..."
Sakura hoped, "Don't beat yourself up, of course he's alright!" Ino cheered her up,
I sighed and sunk into my seat, 'Oh, it's Temari's turn...' I remembered, They both stepped onto the field... "He withdrew? Well that's unusual..." I mumble to myself, "I'M GONNA GIVE HIM A PIECE OF MY MIND!" The short, hyperactive blonde boy yelled,

What was his name?

Boruto, Karuto... Naruto- yeah Naruto...

He jumped over the rail, into the field.

Is this boy nuts...?

*Kankuro's turn*

"I withdraw..." He said,
the audience quarreled and threw a fit at his response,
"I see what he's doing... He withdrew to go on to Gaara and Sasuke's fight..." I mumbled to myself,
"Moving on to the next match..." The proctor said,
"But Sasuke isn't here yet!"
"Seeing that Sasuke isn't here, I have no choice but to-" The Hokage was interrupted, "Wait,before you do, let's give this Uchiha boy a chance... Move on to the next match. If that match is over and he isn't here, you can do as you please..."
"Alright then, move on to the next match..."

*the next match came and went*

"He isn't here..."

I ask ten minutes more..."

The other Kage pleaded,

Alright, ten minutes.."




"Let's go back upstairs.." Naruto said, "Yeah, whatever..." Shikamaru stood up, placing his hands in his pockets, "Wait...." They looked to the left,
Gaara was walking to the battle field until he was stopped by some Jounines,

"Oi, you sand freak..." Gaara stopped in his tracks,
"People are betting lots of money on you, so you better win!" One demanded,
"And if you don't win," They pulled out kunais, The cover of his gourd popped off and sand slithered out the mouth... "What the..." They stepped back, The sand raced toward them rapidly, grabbing them all around their ankle ,slowly engulfing them... "Sand coffin..." He closed his hands into a fist and it was over.... He walked out and walked down the stairs as though nothing happened,
Naruto and Shikamaru moved aside, letting him pass... "Gaara!" I yelled running down the stairs,
He stopped and looked up at me, I leapt over Naruto and Shikamaru into Gaara's arms, "Goodluck..." I nuzzled into his chest,
"Thanks. Remember the rules of this exams, right?"

"Yes, I do..."

"Good, don't intend on stopping me..."

"I won't, I promise..." He let go of me and left, "I know what you're thinking, 'why are you hanging out with that murderer!?' "

Damn right that's what we're thinking... Did you see what he did to those Jounins!?"
"I saw...They were betting on him and so are they betting on your little Uchiha friend..."
"But that's no reason to kill them!!"
"Did you even listen to what they said or see what they did?? The pulled out Kunais!! He was defending himself!!!"
"Why?? Why does he kill without hesitation!?"
"Remember what he said at the hospital?" He paused,
The anger and rage inside me was boiling over like a couldron, I just had do let the all out...
"Why?? Why do people judge so easily!? He's just like you!!! Underestimated,

Underappreciated, all alone.. I'm sure you know what that feels like! Everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud!! Just like Gaara and you, Naruto!
What happened twelve years ago? Huh?"  He said not a word, "And if you'd excuse me, I'll be going now..." I walked up the stairs, leaving them both speechless.

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