{23} The Date

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🌹Chapter Twenty-three🌹
The Date

   Starting from the bottom, Gaara asked me out. I gladly accepted, I'll have to make up for the years we were apart.


"(Y/N)?" Gaara called out to me, "Yes, Gaara?" I answered, "Since we're starting off fresh, I'd like to know if we... Could go out on a date." He said nervously, "Sure, relationships do start with a date, right?" I said with a smile, "Yeah.." He scratched the back of his neck.  "So, it's a date then! Tomorrow night at seven."
"O-okay sure.."
"And one more thing, don't try to impress me. I love you enough already.." I gave him a peck on the cheek and he blushed, "O-okay.."

~End of Flashback~

"Temari, how do I look?" I asked, turning to her.
"Lovely.." She commented with a smile. I wore a short, black kimono patterned with rose petals with the collar settling at the shoulders.. "We'll you can't have the Kazekage waiting, shoo, shoo! Go and have a nice time.." Temari shooed me away, I giggled and left heading to Gaara's office.
"Gaara, you here?" I walked into his office, "Yeah, I'll be right out.." He replied, "Okay.." I sat and waited.
Minutes later, he came out, "Look at you! Looking like a gentleman..." I teased, he scowled with a slight blush.
"You look pretty," He complimented me. "Thanks.. So, where are we going?"
"A restaurant to sit and talk then we'll take a walk around the village.."
"Sounds like a plan, let's go!" I snaked my arms around his.

🍷At The Restaurant 🍷

"So, how is it like to be Kazekage?" I started small talk, "It's a really responsible task, to run an entire village but it's coming around well.."
He replied.
"How was your training, at the temple?" He asked, "It was hard, especially when it comes to combat and skills but it worked out and I aced it all.." You shrugged.
"And you dropped this." He  held a picture of me, Yumi and the others back at the Temple.. "Oh my gosh, how did I drop this? I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost it. Thanks for keeping it for me.." I said with a smile.
"Pictures holds memories of the past that you don't want to forget, so..." He looked away, blushing. "You're more calm than you were back then.." I commented, "Nothing about you changed, that's what I love about you." He complimented me, finally the food came. We ordered two bowls of steamed ribs.
We ate, paid the bill and took a walk around the Village..

🌉Walking Around The Village🌉

"How does my brother act when he has to come in for missions?"
"He tries his best not to look me in the face, feeling guilty about what happened years ago.."
"Oh, okay. And my mom and dad?"
"They invite me to dinner when they see me pass by.." He replied,  "Do you, still feel like, you know.. killing people?"
"The thought comes to mind but I never let it get to me, I've been in counseling for the past few years.."
"That's good to hear." I held his hand, he jumped at first but he squeezed my hand tightly in his.. "I wanna show you something," I said, tugging him towards the direction.  "Remember when we reasoned with each other here?" I pointed out, he took in the memorable scenery; The grains of sand dancing in the wind, the rays of moonlight raining down making the grains of sand sparkle and the little ledge where he sat when he felt alone.. "Yeah, I remember.." He squeezed my hand tighter than before. "When you threatened to kill me, when I made you remember why I was telling you thank you, when I sang to you.."
"Yes, I remember it all.." He said, pulling me down on the floor with him. I sat up while he laid his head on my thighs, "Would you mind, singing that song what you sang to me back then?" He requested, I chuckled, "I don't mind at all, that's if I remember it.."

The Monster & The Desert Rose (Gaara x Reader)🌹Where stories live. Discover now