{31}I Do

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🌹Chapter 31🌹
I Do

    You were in the dressing room with the brides maids and female attendees, getting dressed for the biggest day of your life.
"I love these dresses!" Sakura said, twirling around in her dress.
"I wonder how the boys look..." Ino wondered, while Yumi's mother finishing  off the makeup.
"Good, that's  one thing for sure.." You said.
"One thing I didn't understand was that, how you got to control Gaara, from how he was then to how he is now?" Tenten asked, putting on her earrings.
"Did I ever told you how we met?"
"No, not all of it.." They said.
"Well, I was there for all of it, so..." Temari shrugged.
"I was walking late at night, I saw him, he threatened to kill me, he cried, I sang to him, he took me to his place and it went on from there..."
"It was quite obvious, but a lovely love story.." Ino said, gazing into space..
"Come on guys, it's starting!" Your mother clapping her hands to gain everyone's attention.


   The female attendees walked out with the males  and took their seats to the very front row.
Your father clenched your hand tightly in his and said, "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks, I'm just hoping that I don't so something to embarrass myself.."
You chuckled, your eyes watering.
"No, you won't. I know so.." He replied, "Get ready, you're getting married."
You and your father began walking down the the aisle, with Temari as your Maid of Honor then Hinata and Yumi, while Shikamaru, Naruto and your brother was on Gaara's side, waiting for you at the altar.
You finally made it and it then began.
"Dearly Beloved, we've come to witness these two young lovers, come together in holy matrimony.." She started,
"We shall now start with the vows.."
"Gaara, I know that night wasn't a coincidence, it was meant to be and I was meant to be yours.
I pledge my heart, my mind, my body and soul all and only to you and I will love you, as though it's the last ill see you again.."
"(Name), you are the love of my life, the reason of my existence, the apple of my eye and you're the core of my soul. Nothing you say or do can change that, and I hope and look forward to living the rest of my life with you."
    A child brought up a small cushion that carried the rings.
"(Name) do you take Gaara to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Yes, yes I do." With that, Gaara placed another ring on your finger.
"Gaara, do you take (Name) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"What do you mean? Of course I do!" And with that being said, you placed the ring on his finger.
"...Looks like there's nothing else to be said, but a lot more to be done. If you know what I'm saying.." Kōri joked, making the audience laugh.
"By all the power vested in myself and the rose bearers that once roamed this temple, you may now kiss the bride."
  Gaara swept you up in his arms and kissed you passionately, making the crowd applaud lustily.


  As you and Gaara sat and watched your friends have a good time, you glanced at Kōri and mouthed, 'hit it!'.
Kōri nodded as she held a rose in her hands and chanted,
"On this very night,
The young lovers in sight,
Will bloom with all my might!" The rose dismantled itself, petal by petal and evenly distributed itself across the room.
    Temari sat on a chair, having a drink, maybe two, or maybe even more. Shikamaru came and braced himself back against the table next to her. "Hey."
"Hey.." she replied, continuing to sip her drink.
"You know, you never gave me a proper thanks for letting you win the Chunin exams, right?"
"What?" She placed down her drink and stood up. "What am I supposed to thank you for-" she was then silenced with a kiss.
"Your welcome.." She said, folding her arms as though she never liked it.
"No, that's only part of your thanks, you're not finished yet." He said, connecting his shadow with hers, so she can't move and then led her to somewhere quiet.
   Hinata walked about the ballroom, looking at the lovely pictures that hung on the walls.
Hearing the sudden voice, she jumped back,
"Hehe, sorry for startling ya." He chuckled, scratching behind his head.
"Oh, N- Naruto-kun, it's you.." She sadly turned her attention back to the paintings when he grabbed her hand.
"I'm sorry, Hinata."
"W- what for?"
"I was foolish for not noticing it sooner.."
"Noticing what?"
"That.. That I love you, Hinata."
Her eyes widened at widened at his statement,
"I.. I love you too, Naruto, I always have.."
"Dance with me.."
"S- sure." She hesitantly placed her hand in his, as he led her to the dancefloor.
     Ino closed her eyes and swayed to the soothing music that played, humming along with it when she felt arms snaked around her from behind.
"Why are you dancing alone?" Sai asked.
"I don't know, maybe because I feel like it.." She replied, smiling.
"Well, my Ikigai, I am here. No need to dance alone anymore.."
"Ikigai? What's that?"
"A reason for being, based on one's interests or talents. You're my Ikigai.."
"Aw, how sweet! You know just the right words to say.." She blushed at his compliment.
"My mistake, it means a deep fried pig." He lied.
"What the-"
"I'm kidding.." He laughed.
    Seeing everyone having someone to dance with, she sighed, because Sasuke wasn't here.
She felt a slight tap on her shoulder and turned around, it was Sasuke.
"Sasuke, you came!" She hugged him with watering eyes.
"Am I late?" He asked,
"Heck yeah! Well, not too late, the night is still young.." She placed Sasuke's hands around her waist and they began to dance.
   Kōri watched this and smiled to herself, "How beautiful it is to see young people in love.."
She said, walking out onto the veranda then fading into petals and was blown away in the wind.



Poetry time!!

It is he, here he comes.
The sand danced around his hair as the night's atmosphere grew numb.
His stares ran chills down spines, all except mines.
His skin paler than the villagers as they see him.
His features were beautiful, but emotionless and grim.

It is he, here he stands.
He stopped right next to me and gave me an intimidating glance.
I looked right back at him with no expression printed upon my face.
Looking into his eyes, I fell into a daze.
Pain, heartache and betrayal I saw, I saw his past and much much more.

It is he, there he goes.
Brushing past me, sand flying into my nose.
It is he, turning on his toes,
making the sleeping sands arose.
And to my surprise he shot me a friendly smile, escaping his lips was a soft 'goodnight.'

~'It Is He', by Amethyst

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