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Belle Campbell is the only daughter of Ezra Campbell and Isabella McKinley-Campbell.

My father, Ezra is one of the richest hotelier. Who owned a chain of hotels, from the different part of the country. While my mom, owns one of the biggest consulting firm. McKinley is still on top one, which was unchanged from the last fifteen years now: McKinley, Baton Consulting Group, Bane and De loiter Consulting. You can say, my parents are loaded. That's why my father is very protective of me and so is my older brother, Caleb and younger brother, Caden. They've been trained by my Dad to screen every male who shows interest in me, even the one's whose just staring. Except of course our childhood friends. Arden, Kyrie, Wren, and Riley.

My father's behavior towards me is over the top with regards to my safety. I can't leave the house alone, unless I'm with any of them or I'm with a bodyguard slash driver. I know my father loves me, my mom told me the story about my dad wanting to have a baby girl as the eldest but then my older brother arrived, he made my mom promised that their next baby should be a girl.

Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and my siblings. But then they were like every other parents, caring and worried for me and I knew my father had assigned a security details to keep tabs on me and report to him whenever possible. My father did things secretively, but it was always obvious to me and I didn't really ever mind.

When I was in grade school even when I reach middle school, I wasn't allowed to sleep over at my friends houses. Unless it's on our own home. That's one of the sacred rule of my father.

It's a good thing that my mom always have my back no matter what. She always take my side, and my dad or sibling have no say on that. My mom is the boss of them all. Haha!

I'm twenty two and fresh out of college. I'm hoping my father will have faith in me that I can make my own decision since technically I'm considered an adult now.

We are exactly blessed in the looks department  especially my brothers, during their teenage years a lot of girls often fall for them and have a crush on. They literally love sports, That's why from an early stage they've been recruited to be an athlete since high school, adding in the group Arden, Kyrie, Wren, and Riley. They're a sight for sore eyes. Most of the girls are blinded by this boys good looks.

I dunno if I'd be thankful to be in an all girl school when I was in middle school. Yeah, you can say that I was thankful for a year, my life's been peaceful. No girls following me around. But sadly I can't keep it hidden that they are my siblings and friends. So much for being low key. They find out eventually.

Then theirs college. I dreaded this moment. When I hit college, it's a different story, I am literally not allowed to have a boy "friend", I mean literally friends with the opposite sex. Just friends, in platonic way. They said I already have four, which was my childhood friends. And I don't need anybody else, they should be enough. Since they're a handful.

A lot of girls, what I mean by a lot is tons. Tons of girls asked me for a favor on what my brother or friends like on a girl. If it's not been for them (my brothers and our friends ofcourse) my days would've been peaceful. I'd be happier on a weekend, no distractions. Honestly, I have no idea, what on earth those girl see on them. They are hmmm - yeah, I know what they like about them. But still, girls are really transparent about befriending me for the sole purpose of getting close with my brother and our friends. Being them as popular boys in college meant they had most girls following their every beck and call; other Boys envy them for being the star players and being the smartest as well. And one mention of 'leave Belle the fuck alone' being all it took for them to do exactly that. Guys, knows how not to messed with my brothers and our friends. Still, I'm at ease that they are not there all the time.

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