His Lady, His Princess

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Ladybug rolled over in pain. Gasping for air, she tapped the side of her torso. It was wet and sticky. Slowly raising her hand in front of her eyes, a tear slipped out, recognizing the blood staining her hand as her own. She could faintly hear people screaming her name and remembered the akuma. She tried to push herself up of the ground, but with no luck. Plopping back on the ground, she let out a groan. She had never felt so helpless in battle. A hand was placed on her shoulder and something wet began to drip on her face. Finally being able to hear the commotion around her a little better, she recognized Chloé's voice, shaking and fearful.

"-and I'm so sorry I was mean to you and now you're here really injured because of me, and I'm so sorry just please don't die!" Chloé erupted into a fit of coughs as she tried to hold back her tears.

Marinette tried to respond to Chloé, but paused when a higher pitched voice began to talk.

"Shhh- Chloé. She's going to be okay, we just need to get her out of here. Please stop crying."

Marinette glanced to the side and noticed a red dot flying around. "Tikki?" She croaked out, confused. The little kwami flew over to her.

"Marinette, you are going to be okay. Please relax so you don't aggravate anything." Tikki noticed Marinette's confusion, "You're detransformed right now."

Marinette gasped, but began to cough. She closed her eyes and rubbed a hand across her mouth. Great, she thought, just great. She could feel a warm, sticky liquid come out of her mouth. She began to cry, the numbness adrenaline had caused leaving her body. Her body began shaking violently and Tikki tried to calm her down. All the sudden she was lifted up and a soothing voice interrupted her coughs.

"It's okay M'Lady, we'll get help real soon." She relaxed, comforted by her partner's voice. Snuggling into his chest, she suddenly felt tired.

"Chat Noir, we need to take her to Master Fu!"

"Okay, is he a doctor?"

"Sort of, he is the one who gave you your miraculous."

"Lead the way, come on Chloé."

"Wait, I'm coming?"

"Well, yeah, you know who she is now, so you need to come with us so we can discuss some things with you."


(What previously happened with Chat and Bandido.)

The gunshot went off. Chat Noir spun around as he heard screaming and a thud. His green eyes widened as he say his Lady laying on the ground with a puddle of blood. He saw Chloé burst into tears and begin talking to Ladybug. He turned back to face Bandido, who was smirking, and launched himself at his face. They both tumbled to the ground, and Chat pinned him down. He snatched the gun out of his hand and smashed it on the ground. A little white butterfly flew out of it and Chat did the only thing he could think of.


He caught the akuma in his hand and destroyed it. A surge of energy and pain swept through him and he fell to his knees. Panting, he hoisted himself back onto his feet and looked over to Ladybug, who was no longer there.

Chat's eyes widened as he saw his princess lying in his Lady's place. Marinette was Ladybug. It all made sense to him now. He ran over and picked her up.

"It's okay M'Lady, we'll get help real soon."


Sup Dudebros!

Christmas Break! Yay! That means I have more time to write, or slouch around the house doing nothing. Eh, we'll see how it goes. Hope you liked the new chapter!

(I've always wondered if people even read Authors Notes. I usually don't... Oops.)

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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