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Chloé hesitated outside, her hand resting on the doorbell. Marinette had invited her over to dinner, but she was scared. Her parents probably hated Chloé. They might think she's faking it, faking trying to be nice for once. But she wasn't! She had no way to prove that, though.

She let her hand drop as she hung her head. She had never felt so scared of rejection before. Pinching her eyes closed, she counted to 10 and rang the doorbell. Chloé lifted her head as the door swung open, revealing a perky Marinette.

"Chlo-Chlo, come in!" Her smile lit up the whole house, it seemed, as she dragged her blonde friend in.

"Chlo- Chlo?" Chloé asked, confused. Marinette stopped and turned to face her.

"Yeah! It's you're nickname," she responded with a beaming smile. Her face softened and turned into a slight frown. "Unless you don't like it. I can always come up with a new one or-"

"No," Chloé interrupted, knowing she would ramble on if not stopped, "I love it." Marinette let out a sigh of relief and the two continued to the dining room.

As Chloé walked in, she tensed up seeing M. and Mme. Dupain-Cheng. They instantly noticed her, their heads jolting up, as they set down the final dishes. She waited for them to state their disapproval, but instead was buried in a big bear hug.

"Welcome, Chloé! It's so great to have you! You look so amazing!" Mme. Dupain Cheng gushed. He husband released her out of the hug and also welcomed her. In response, Chloé's eyes widened as she stuttered a thank you to them. Marinette giggled at her reaction.

They sat down for dinner, homemade bread, salad, and a pasta dish, and dug in. As Chloé bit down on her first spoonful, she practically melted inside.

"What is this!" She exclaimed, surprising the Dupain-Chengs. "It's so good!"

Marinette's parents looked over at her with eyebrows raised.

"It's lasagna, dear," Mme. Dupain-Cheng started. "Have you never had this before?" Chloé froze up for a second.

"This is lasagna? I've never had any that tasted this good!" Marinette laughed at her friend's new behavior.


Adrien sat at the dining table, alone as usual. His father had ordered him to come to dinner, promising he would be there, but naturally, he wasn't. Even Nathalie was missing. Some things will never change.

Pushing his chair back, Adrien cringed at the squeaks it made. He delicately placed his napkin on his plate and walked out of the room. Climbing the stairs, he tried to stay upright, even though the pain in his abdomen was dragging him down. Finally making it to his room, he collapsed on the bed. Plagg flew out of his hiding place, Adrien's chest pocket, and went off to find his love.

Adrien groaned as the pain began to worsen. Every second he spent away from Marinette doubled his pain. He cursed his idiotic mind as flipped onto his side, trying to get comfortable. He brought this on himself. In his defense, what was he supposed to do? He couldn't let the Akuma go! More people would have been hurt.

A bolt of energy shot up his back, momentarily paralyzing him. He moaned into his pillow. Plagg flew up next to Adrien, a slice of stinky cheese nestled in his arms. He looked on his chosen with pity. All the Chat's he's had in the past have died someway or another in their servitude. He was hoping Adrien could break that streak, but apparently not. 


Sup Dudebros!

IM SORRY! I didn't mean for this disgracefully short chapter to take so long! It's short because it is more of a filler chapter with some information I needed to get across. Welp...

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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