All The Wayzz

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(The song has nothing to do with the chapter other than making the title Punny:). Enjoy!)
Chloé rolled her eyes as she reread the text. She turned another corner, glancing up for a brief moment to see were she was. Nodding in confirmation, she gazed down the door numbers until she found the right one. She approached it and knocked on the door. The dwarfed Master Fu slid it open, quietly welcoming her in. Her eyebrow twitched, the interruption of her weekend beauty sleep annoying her, and plopped down on a cushion next to Marinette and Adrien. They both smiled at her childish behavior before looking at Fu.
Master Fu stroked his chin. He walked over to the record player and punched in the code. The top popped open. Reaching inside, he pulled out the box, the home of the miraculouses. He slid it to the trio,
centered in front of Marinette. As the drawers opened to reveal all of the miraculouses, Fu began to speak.
"I advise you to be careful. Choose only someone you can trust no matter what. We cannot let the Papillon get his hands on anymore of these."  Fu's eyes sank to where the butterfly miraculous should be, as well as the peacock. He let out a low sigh. Marinette reached out to grab his hand, squeezing it in a comforting gesture. She glanced down, running her fingers over the smooth jewelry. Picking up a necklace with a fox tail, she retracted her hand.
"Would it be okay, or possible, if we could use yours?" Her eyes met Fu's. His eyes widened slowly and Wayzz floated up to them. He glanced at his Master, shrugging.
Adrien looked over at his girlfriend.
"Would you give that one to Nino?"
She nodded in response. Chloé scoffed.
"Wait. You guys were serious about adding them to our team?" She flicked her hair back over one shoulder. "I thought you were joking!" They shook their heads.
"We're serious, Chlo. Why are you so against it?"
Huffing, Chloé stood up.
"Number one." She threw her right index finger up dramatically. "Alya runs the LadyBlog. What is going to stop her from tell Paris, heck, the whole world? Two:," she added another finger, "wouldn't it be obvious if all five of us left the classroom whenever an akuma attacked?" Chloé moved in between Adrien and Marinette and plopped down. "Three: I'll be fifth-wheeling! Your chaperone for double-date fights! I just got used to third wheeling!" She threw her hands up, finders spread, and began to cry profusely. Adrien and Marinette laughed at her act as she wiped away her fake tears. Marinette began to rub her back as she explained.
"Alya has my trust. When something really matters, she does it. She won't tell," Marinette said. "We can take turns, sometimes Chat and I will go, other times you and Alya, and so forth."
"Won't you have to leave every time? Being Ladybug and all? No one else can purify the akumas," Adrien pointed out. Marinette paused, thinking.
"I guess so, yeah." 
Chloé smirked at Adrien.
"Ooo, kitty has to share his princess," she mocked. He glared at her, hissing playfully, and pushed her out from in between them. Marinette swatted him up the backside of his head.
"I think you'll just need to act as a PDA officer, not a fifth-wheel. Between Adrien and Alya, you will have your hands full!" Marinette laughed as Chloé rolled her eyes, grabbing a spray bottle for the plants off the shelf. Adrien feigned offense and dramatically gasped. Marinette giggled as he was caught off guard and sprayed by Chloé. He yelped and sprang backwards, tumbling off the cushion.
A smile grew on Master Fu's face as he watched the teens. He looked at his best friend, then down at his bracelet. Sliding it off, he placed it in it's box.
Sup Dudebros!
Long time no see! How is life? For me, chaotic! Homework is a jerk sometimes! (Or maybe I'm a horrible procrastinator. I'm working on it!!) Any way, hope y'all had a Happy Halloween, and soon a good Thanksgiving (for my Americans!). I will try to write during Thanksgiving break, as long as I don't have homework and can find time to sneak away!

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