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Today was the deadline. Each team grew even more nervous as other groups presented their projects. All of them were well made, or sort of, but Chloé was certain that her team would blow all of these other trashy projects away. Well, she did have Ladybug on her team! Wait... She's not supposed to say that.

Glancing to her left, Adrien sat peacefully, impressed by his peers. Behind him sat the gracious Marinette who was practically sick from nervousness. Her hand was flying, illustrating her emotions onto the paper. It calmed her a little, but not enough to hide it.

Chloé chuckled. She used to make fun of her for this sort of thing, but she was trying to fix that, and it was working? She couldn't tell. Everyone still seemed to hate her. Marinette insisted it would get better, but that it would take time. Ugh. Time. Makes everyone wait for it, huh. It's so annoying!.

"Next, Chloé, Adrien, and Marinette."

Springing out of her seat, Chloé dragged her friends up to the front. She grinned a Cheshire grin, unable to hold it back. The power-point showed up on the overhead, the emblem of the American Musical stealing the stage.

"We researched 'Hamilton, An American Musical' for our project. Hamilton was written by Lin-Manuel Mir-"

The window crashed in. All three presenters tensed up, looking back for a way to escape so they could transform. The other students were screaming, crying, and laughing? What was that for? The teacher ushered everyone out of the room. Marinette grabbed Chloé's hand and yanked her into the girls bathroom.


The akuma thrashed around, mindlessly destroying everything in sight. Chat pounced on its head, stunning it for a second. The akuma refocused and began swinging at Chat. As Chat dodged, he silently prayed that Ladybug will get here soon.

As if on cue, she jumped down next to him with a... Was that another miraculous holder? Before Chat could get a good look at the person, he was attacked by the akuma. Ladybug intercepted and began fighting with her partner. The stranger just stood there wide eyed, as if they were not completely sure what they got into. Ladybug shouted out to her, drawing her from her trance. She jumped into action and threw out a teardrop spiner. It hit the akuma and wrapped around them in a inhuman speed. It glowed, causing the victim to writhe in pain. Chat took this time to grab the supposed akumatized object. Tossing it to Ladybug, she broke it and purified the butterfly.

Chat finally turned and looked at the new hero. She was blonde, medium height, with blue eyes. She seemed familiar...

"Chat, this is Queen Bee!" Motioning towards the blonde, Ladybug pulled him over to her. Cheesily kissing the back of her hand, he welcomed Queen Bee.

" She's going to be helping us from now on," Ladybug continued.

"So how did you meet?" Chat asked, mildly concerned. Was Queen Bee legit or another Volipina incident?

"Uh, well, Master Fu introduced us," Ladybug explained. Bee nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Do you not trust me, Cuddles?"

Ladybug giggled at Bee's sass.

"Cuddles? I must tell you that I am a very wildcat. I am not cuddly," Chat defended. Ladybug patted his back.

"Whatever floats your boat, Chaton."


Sup Dudebros!

I have no excuse, I'm sorry! Life's annoying and in the way sometimes. Anywho, what do y'all think so far? Is the story turning out fine? Or is it a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad fanfic? PLEASE TELL ME!!

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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