Marinette Dupain-Cheng

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Marinette jumped at the sudden noise. The blonde lying across her stomach fell to the floor, letting out the yelp. She shot a questioning look up at the bluenette. Shrugging, Marinette leaned over the edge of her bed and pulled the trapdoor down. A black mass tumbled down on top of her, catching the edge of the bed with its tail at the last moment.

Marinette's blue eyes widened. The toothy grin lit up the room, enchanting her. It's like all that mattered was him and her.

"Marinette!" She jolted at the sudden outburst. Glancing at Chloé, Marinette realized their position. She was pressed up against Chat, hanging upside down from her bed. Internally screaming at herself for fantasizing, she wiggled her way out of Chat's grasp. They both began apologizing repeatedly, earning an eye roll from the third wheel.

"If you needed this room to yourselves, you could've asked. I don't want to see anything like that at this age." Chloé flicked her blonde hair and trying to escape out of the room. Marinette and Chat's cheeks were bright red.

"Chloé Bourgeois! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Marinette shrieked as her friend bounced down the steps snickering. Chat was trying to withhold his laughter as well, but it wasn't working too well.


Gabriel stood at the electronic podium in the great room. His assistant held a tablet next to him, swiping through pictures of blue haired girls.

"No," he muttered, barely glancing at the screen. His eyes refocused on the images of the miraculous on the podium before drifting back to Nathalie. Another girl was up on the screen. "No."

They had been at this for maybe an hour, trying to determine Ladybug's identity. With the help of Bandido, Gabriel had gotten a better look at who she was under the mask, but, unfortunately, couldn't see enough to uncover her identity right then and there.

The draining process carried on, boring both Gabriel and Nathalie to death. Every girl who had slid across the screen was close, but not Ladybug. Despite the letdown of their search so far, both were determined to discover the identities of the "heroes of Paris".

"No... No... No..." Gabriel grumbled. Maybe Ladybug wasn't a Parisian if so, she might not be in the government records. "Wait."

Nathalie looked up. Gabriel snatched the tablet from her, swiping back to the former picture. It was of a bluenette with fair skin, bluebell eyes, and a knack for being clumsy. She was standing over a pile of pots and pans that had fallen beside some bakery goods.

"That's her, I am sure." Gabriel tapped the screen, popping open a system menu. He drew out her bio and tossed it back at Nathalie.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. Attends Collège Françoise Dupont. 14 years old, 5'5". Sir, isn't she one of Adrien's friends?"

Gabriel pondered this for a moment.

"Yes, she is, she is also the girl that won the derby hat competition." He walked over to the portrait of his wife. "Keep an eye on her."

He pressed his fingers into the portrait and began to lower into the ground. Nathalie nodded and waited for him to fully disappear before retreating out of the room. 


Sup Dudebros!

Sorry this update was so late, I have been busy (more like my parents dragging me all over the place without prior notice). But I'm here now! I'm also taking a break from all the family stuff I was supposed to be participating in today for y' all. You should feel honored. 

Happy Easter!

Stay  Epic Dudebros!


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