The New Recruits

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 Ladybug looked down at the box in her hands. She stood on the Eiffel Tower, overlooking all of Paris. The city was gorgeous at dusk, the setting sun naturally outlining the buildings added a romantic effect. Normally, Ladybug and Chat Noir would patrol the streets and meet back at the tower to watch the sunset, but Ladybug had sent Chat off to deliver the turtle miraculous. She should have already been at her best friend's house, welcoming her to the team, but Chloe's words echoed in her minds. Alya's pride and joy was her blog. She was dedicated to the fans of Paris' Heroes. Would she reveal them?

Ladybug shook her head, trying to knock out any doubt. Alya was loyal to her as both Ladybug and Marinette. Though her dedication to the Ladyblog was strong, her loyalty to her friends and the heroes could overpower it. She knew boundaries.

With that in mind, Ladybug jumped off the tower and swung her way across Paris. She waved to both familiar and unfamiliar faces. As she passed André's Ice Cream cart, she offered a quick "Bonsoir" to the friendly matchmaker. She made a mental note to find him again, but next time with her kitty.

When she reached her destination, Ladybug swung around to Alya's bedroom window. She peered in, location the redhead. Alya was busy scrolling through the latest post and comments on the Ladyblog. Ladybug stabled herself on the window sill and rapped her knuckles on the glass. The redhead jumped, practically falling off her chair, as she was drawn out of her trance. She twisted to face the window. Ladybug laughed as Alya's eyes grew wide with shock as she rushed to the window.

"Ladybug? What are you doing here?" Alya yanked the window open and motioned for her to come in. Ladybug jumped in, bouncing over to her normal spot on Alya's bed, well, Marinette's spot.

"I have a request for you," Ladybug began. She noticed Alya reaching for her phone. "Please, don't. No one can know about this."

Alya paused. She glanced at her phone then back at the other. Sighing, she retracted her hands and went over to sit next to the heroine.

"What do you need?"

Alya's question was answered as a small red and black jewelry box was dropped into her hands.

"Open it," Ladybug prompted. Alya raised an eyebrow at her. She rubbed her right thumb over the top and pulled the lid back. A yellow-orange flash blinded her. Yelping in surprise, she dropped the box.

Ladybug laughed, remembering her own reaction to meeting Tikki. Alya moved back, leaning on the headrest. The small ball of light turned into a tiny floating fox. It blinked and flew up to Alya.

"Hello!" It chirped. Alya squealed and grabbed the fox out of the air.

"It's so cute!" She smushed its cheeks together. "What is it?"

"He," Ladybug explained, " is Trixx. He gives the fox miraculous holder power." She picked up the box and gave it back to Alya.

"Wait." Alya lifted the necklace out of the box. "This is a miraculous? A-and you're giving it to me?" Ladybug giggled and nodded. "Wow, you trust me with this?"

"Well, considering you're my best friend, I-"

"Best friend?" Alya questioned. "You don't mean you're...:" Her voice grew quiet. She stared Ladybug in the eyes.

"Tikki, spots off." With a flash, the red-clad hero was gone and Marinette had taken her place. Alya's jaw dropped.

"Girl, you're Ladybug?" Alya grabbed Marinette's wrists and yanked her closer. "How did I not know?"

Marinette laughed. Tikki and Trixx flew over to a pillow.

"I don't know," she giggled. "But I want you to join the team. Chat's recruiting one more hero too, or at least, he's supposed to be." She shrugged.

" I get to be a hero?"

"Well, yeah? It's not that glamorous, Alya, really."

"What do I have to do?" Alya clasped the necklace around her neck and stood up dramatically. Trixx piped up.

"Just say 'Trixx, transform me'!" Alya nodded.

"Trixx, transform me!"

Trixx was sucked into the necklace. Within seconds, Alya's attire changed. She was now dressed in orange and white. A flute appeared in her hand and fox ears decorated her hair.

"Woah." She walked over to her closet door mirror. Her eyes widened and she abruptly turned to face Marinette. " Why do I look like Volpina?" Alya gestured down at her clothes.

"She was mimicking that miraculous, but you wear it better," Marinette responded. Alya laughed. She flopped down on the bed beside Marinette.

"I know I do." She twirled the flute across her fingers. "So, why do you need help? I mean, you wouldn't ask unless you really needed it."

Marinette sighed and reached out for a pillow. She moved her legs so she was sitting criss-crossed and then placed the pillow in the middle.

"I think the Papillon knows who I am." She kept her eyes trained on the pillow. She could hear Alya gasp.

"How did he figure it out before me?" Marinette's head shot up.

"That's what you're concerned about?" She forced Alya to maintain eye contact with her. "He could target people I care about to provoke me."

"Like Adrien?" Alya wiggled her eyebrows. Marinette looked down.

"He can handle himself," she murmured. Alya sat straight, confused. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Adrien is Chat Noir." She paused and waited for Alya.


"And Chloé is Queen Bee."


"And Nino's the new recruit for the Turtle Miraculous."


Marinette laughed. She reached over and closed Alya's mouth.

A tap on the window diverted both of the girl's attention. Marinette got up, recognizing the black leather glove. She pushed the window open, letting in Chat Noir, Queen Bee, and the new recruit. Chat was the first to speak.

"Is she cool?" Marinette nodded. All three dropped their transformations. Marinette turned to Alya and instructed her to do the same. Hesitantly, Alya retracted her transformation. Nino sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her protectively. She stayed quiet.

"So," Chloé broke the silence. " What's our next move?"

Everyone's gaze went to Marinette. She scanned over each of them and sighed.

"We find the Papillon and stop him."


Sup Dudebros! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you like this chapter!

Stay Epic,


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