Akuma At The Carnival Part Two

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The two seasoned heroes stood not too far from the Akuma. As she ranted on about its reasons for attacking, Ladybug tried to locate the object the Akuma was hiding in. Her eyes landed on a stick, most likely from cotton candy. It was the only thing that was not connected to the rest of the bizarre outfit. Tapping her boyfriend's shoulder, she whispered her assumption.

The Akuma, tired of talking, seemed to be reminded that she needed the miraculous'. She sprang forward, swiping at the heroes. They jumped back and Chat tripped the Akuma with his baton. Using the Cotton Candy Stick, the Akuma created an abnormally long Twizzler. She aimed at Chat Noir. As soon as the Twizzler made contact with him, it began to tie him to a lamppost.

Ladybug threw her yo-yo at the Akuma, securing it around her arms and waist. She began to struggle to escape Ladybug's trap, but it only tightened. Waving her stick again, the part of the yo-yo surrounding her became nothing more than a candy necklace. Ladybug stumbled back, partly from shock, but also from the lack of tension in the string. The Akuma turned towards her and raised the stick again. Small red balls began zooming toward her, lighting themselves on fire as they came closer. Ladybug began to deflect the candy but was starting to feel hungry.

She was taking small steps back after every hit and soon made contact with her tied up partner. The Twizzler wrapped around her legs, holding her in place as well as Chat.

The Akuma laughed in victory. She approached the two, plucking a Reese's from her hair. Popping it into her mouth, she leaned next to Ladybug and pushed her head to the side. She reached up to grab the earing but retracted her hand almost instantly. Confused, Ladybug turned her head back around. Her eyes widened as she recognized the spinning Trompo tickling the Akuma's hand, causing her to drop the stick. Seconds later, she was released, as well as Chat Noir.

Queen Bee gracefully picked up the Cotton Candy stick and handed it to Ladybug. Thanking her as she took it, Ladybug broke it. The Akuma flew up into the air. Grabbing her yo-yo once again, Ladybug caught the Akuma.

"Time to de-evilize." She recited out of habit. She opened her yo-yo back up and release a clean, white butterfly. She glanced around, confused.

"I didn't use my Lucky Charm." Her partners looked at her oddly. "Do I just say it?"

Chat shrugged, propping the victim up on a nearby bench. Bee suggested throwing the yo-yo. Complying, Ladybug threw it into the air, and pink exploded out into the sky. The world around them returned to its normal state. Chat trotted back to the team and they did a three-way fist bump.

"Pound It!" 


Sup Dudebros!

I am back! 

Well honestly I was earlier, but I updated TILY first. Don't hate me! I got this one done too! I know it's short... But I just worked out and my brain is dead. Excuses, I know! But I really am trying to write more! I can't decide if I want to drag this book out a little further, or end it in a couple chapters. 

Do y'all want the Final Battle soon? 


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