Escaping Alya's Wrath

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Chat stood on his Lady's balcony. Shaking, he knocked on the door. He could hear the soft patter of footsteps. The bolts clicked open and the door was pushed up. Chat held his breath as Marinette poked her adorable face out. Her eyes widened as her eyes fell on Chat.
    "C-Chat, what are you doing here?"  Marinette gasped, standing up next to him. He tried to resist the urge to pick her up and carry her back to her bed.
    "I wanted to check on you, if that's alright, Princess." She laughed, not helping Chat's current situation. To suffice, he placed a hand on her shoulder.
    "Can we just talk," he asked, motioning to her room. She nodded and he followed her down the ladder. She sat criss-crossed on her lounge chair and patted the spot next to her. Chat sank into the spot, pondering what to say. He sighed and she placed a hand on his shoulder.
    "I made a huge mistake." Chat started. Marinette's blue eyes watched his, even though he was looking away. "I used Cataclysm on the akuma."
    "What does that do?" Marinette asked, "I know it can't be good, Tikki told me, but how does it affect you?"
    "I'm constantly in a lot of pain. Plagg takes some of it away while transformed, but when I'm in my human form..." He trailed off.
    Marinette wrapped her arms around him. He relaxed and she began petting his hair.
    "Is there a way to get rid of it," Marinette asked. He nodded his head. "What is it?" She prodded.
    "I can't exactly tell you yet, Mari." She looked down.
    "Okay, tell me when you're ready."
    One more minute.
    Just a little longer.
    Give it time.
    All the students stood up and packed up their things. The teacher yelled out a homework assignment, earning a chorus of groans. Everyone headed to the cafeteria.
    Alya was following behind two new best friends with Nino. She was scowling, trying to understand the sudden interest Chloé took in being Marinette's friend. Or just trying to be nice at all! It didn't make sense at all! Did Chloé have secret evil motives?
    She glanced at Nino, who was fistbumping Adrien as he walked up. Alya waved at him, but stayed in her train of thought. That was, she stayed focus until she noticed a certain someone staring at her best friend. She gasped.
    "ADRIEN!" Alya whisper-yelled. He quickly looked away from Marinette. "Do you have a thing for Mari!!" Alya was practically bouncing off the walls. Adrien and Nino shushed her.
    "We'll explain later," Nino sighed. Alya turned to him.
    "You knew about this?" She gasped. He nodded and she sent a punch straight into his stomach. He collapsed down to the ground, the noise gaining the attention from many other students, including Marinette and Chloé.
    "What happened," Marinette asked.
    "Oh, nothing you need to worry about!" Alya kicked his side slightly, trying to not make it obvious, as she linked arms with Marinette and Chloé and walked away.
    Nino was left dying on the ground as Adrien laughed uncontrollably at his best friend.
Sup Dudebros!
Sorry about the delay, I was waiting for the update to finish and then I got wrapped up in a really good book here on Wattpad! Sorry!
Stay Epic Dudebros!

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