Reacting to Hamilton

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"Okay, class! We are going to start a new project! "
    The class groaned in unison. Chloé rolled her eyes, tapping Sabrina on the shoulder. Sabrina glanced at her and nodded. Adrien and Nino fist bumped and Alya and Marinette just stayed still, automatically assuming they'd be partners.
    "Now, before you get too excited, I have chosen your partners," the teacher states before rambling off the groups. "- and finally Marinette, Adrien, and Chloé."
    Almost everyone in the class gasped, excluding the three partners. Only one question was on everyone's minds. "Will Adrien choose between those two finally, or will Marinette and Chloé fight again?"
    Adrien looked shocked, but Marinette and Chloé just smiled at each other. After spending a lot more time together, they found out what they have in common, and learned how to cooperate. Of course, Marinette is trying to teach Chloé the basics of being nice. Even though she's struggling, many people have noticed a change in Chloé.
    "So the project is to research a musical made in or about another country than France. Since we are learning English, try to find one written in that language!"
    Chloé gasped and raised her hand. The teacher called on her.
    "Can my group do Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda?"
    "Maybe you should discuss this with your group before telling me, Mlle. Bourgeois." Chloé turned to the left, looking at both Adrien and Marinette with a smile. They both nodded.
    "See? They're in, so let us do Hamilton!" Chloé laughed. The teacher sighed and wrote it down on a piece of paper.
    "Ha! These memes are hilarious!"
    "Chloé, are you going to help with the actual research?" Adrien sighed, looking up from his tablet. Chloé just waved back at him.
    "Nah, you're doing fine..." She slurred off, distracted again by Pinterest. Marinette rolled her eyes, but continued typing.
    "You'll be back, soon," Chloé began singing. Within seconds Marinette joined in. "You'll see, you'll remember you belong to me. You be back, time will tell, you'll remember that I served you well."
    Adrien laughed. It was weird seeing these two get along, but after the shock of finding out that her idol was her classmate, Chloé must of really had a change of heart. Adrien never thought he'd live to see the day that happened. He was so happy, though, that they were friends now. Also it didn't hurt having a little more help on the team. Yes, Chloé was new to this, and yes, she was still trying to figure everything out, but it really took some weight off his shoulders, making life a little easier.
    He bent over, hissing slightly in pain. Luckily, the girls didn't notice. He didn't need questioning right now. Trying to ignore the pain, he got up off the ground and moved to the couch next to Marinette. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her tense up. Ugh. He could tell she hated him. Why else would she be doing something like this?
Alya poked Nino in the ribs, causing him to squeak. She smirked at his reaction before snatching the binoculars out of his hands. She moved them around for a moment until she found her target.
    "Why are they getting along all of the sudden? It doesn't make sense! They're enemies one day, best friends the next!" Alya questions, throwing the binoculars back at Nino. She had drug him along on this expedition, much to his dismay. He had to give up a perfectly good ice cream cone for this.
    "What if I'm being replaced," Alya gasped. She pushed up her glasses. "Wait, no, Mari's to nice for that. But what if Chloé influenced her and turned her evil!"
    "Alya, bro, chill," Nino laughed, "maybe Chloé is just trying to start over. Marinette has such a big heart that she would totally help her out. It's just in her genes, man." Alya looked defeated. "Wanna go get ice cream now? You kind of owe me, after destroying my other one."
    Alya nodded. "Fine. I guess I'm just over-reacting."

Sup Dudebros!
So I hope you like it, I felt like adding my one true love in the musical arena, Hamilton. If you like it too, please, do say! Anyways I've been half asleep all day so I'm kind of delirious writing this. So if it's crappy don't blame me. (Or do...)
Stay Epic Dudebros!

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