What Happens When You're Asleep?

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Chat pointed at the white textbook laying in Marinette's lap.

"Don't overthink those textbooks, they're worded all wrong, making Physics so much more confusing than it should be." Marinette nodded in response, slamming the book closed with her finished homework inside. She thanked him for helping her. Chat snatched it from her, giving her his signature Cheshire grin, and dropped in over the edge of the bed. Giving into his cat-like instincts, he curled up into a ball, resting his head on Marinette's lap. Her cheeks grew red. She ran her fingers through his hair, mentally comparing it to Adrien's. It was the same blonde color and length, but Chat's hairstyle was so much messier than Adrien's. It accented their personalities. Adrien was so calm and collected, while Chat was unpredictable and punny. 

A gentle purring noise brought Marinette out of her trance. She looked down at the cat in her lap. Her eyes widened in shock as the playful kitty was sleeping soundly. It was amusing to watch the superhero make such cat-like noises. It was cute. Marinette glanced over at the clock, disturbed that she found Chat cute, reading it as 3 AM. Yawning, she propped up her pillow behind her and closed her eyes.

She sat there, eyes shut, fantasizing about her and Adrien's future together, for fifteen minutes, but could not go to sleep. Trying to readjust the pillows into a more comfortable position, she lifted her lead arms over her head. She grabbed the pillow and slid it in a different way, careful not to hit the cat, but it wasn't working. After multiple desperate attempts, she gave up. Her tired arms fell to her sides in exhaustion. Mumbling in annoyance, she sifted Chat's head a little to the right, centered in her lap. She continued to play with his hair but avoided looking at his face. 

She looked back at the clock. 4:53 AM. Groaning, she pulled her hair down out of their pigtails. Wrapping the dark bands around her wrist, she loosened up her midnight hair, letting it fall around her face. She tried to reach her phone, but it was impossible without moving Chat. She tapped his tan cheek, trying to wake him up gently, but he slept on.

She leaned back, closing her eyes again at another attempt at sleep. A green light peeked through her eyelids, scaring her into snapping her eyes back open. She jumped ever so slightly, making Chat gurgle in his sleep, but he continued to stay knocked out. Marinette's vision cleared, readjusting to the dark room. She searched for the source of the light and found herself staring at Chat. No, not Chat. She was staring at the model and love of her life, Adrien Agreste. 


Sup Dudebros!

Wow, that's short. I would have made it longer, but I wanted to leave y'all with that ending. Haha, you're welcome, guys! Welp, hope you liked it. Also, I am very sorry that my schedule keeps changing. I've missed updates and I take full responsibility for that, well, other than the stuff that life throws at you when it decides you don't have enough to do already. But eh! I can't control that. I am truly sorry. 

Stay Epic, Dudebros!


(P.S. Should I do Shout Outs?)

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