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"I look like a bee."

"Exactly. You're the holder of the bee miraculous."

Chloé glared at the girl standing next to her. Transforming was still new to her and she was so confused.

"So how do I get it off?"

" You tell Pollen to "release transformation"," Marinette explained.

"Ok, Pollen, release transformation."

Chloé's outfit changed back to her normal one and she flicked her hair. Pollen now appeared right in front of her. The little kwami scowled and flew down to sit on the chaise. Tikki joined her and watched the two girls carefully.

"You're going to need a superhero name, preferably something bee related," Marinette pulled up her desk chair and sat criss-crossed in it. Chloé, examining the wooden floorboards, suddenly gasped.

"What about 'Queen Bee'!"

Pollen rolled her eyes.

"Never heard that one before! "

"Oh, shut up!" Chloé growled in response.

"It's a good fit! Welcome to the team, Queen Bee!" Marinette stuck out her pale hand. Taking it, Chloé and her did their handshake that they created earlier. Yes, it would seem childish, but it was fun!

"Girl, you'll never believe this!"

Marinette and Chloé glanced at each other as the Kwami's hid under the chaise. Moments later Alya burst through the trapdoor, staring at her phone.

"I got this app that records voices and matches them with Ladybugs! I could be on the brink of figuring out who she is!" Alya waved her phone in Marinette's face. Marinette grabbed her arm to keep it from moving, but instead of stopping, Alya jerked it over to Chloé. Shrinking back, Chloé glared at her.

"Get that out of my face!" Alya rolled her eyes and fell back onto Marinette's lap. Marinette groaned at the sudden weight but didn't try to push her off. A quick glance at the two best friends was enough for Chloé.

"I've gotta go!" She said, against her conscience telling her to stay. "Bye, Mari-doll and Alya!" The two girls waved back as she disappeared down the stairs.

"Girl, what's up with this?" Alya whispered to make sure only Marinette could hear. Shrugging her shoulders, Marinette pulled off her black jacket.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Girl," Alya started, gasping in disbelief. Her red hair jumped around her neck as she moved to face her best friend. "That woman used to torture you every day and now you're fine? What did I miss?"

"Oh." Marinette hesitated. "Well, she's had a change of heart. She is really nice if you give her a chance, but she had never had someone really help her before."

Alya's mouth hung open. Reaching over, Marinette pushed it up, but it just dropped back down. Slowly, the red-haired girl began shaking her head. Popping her lips, she patted her friend's cheek.

"You are just too nice for your own good."

That earned a giggle and a toothy grin from the bluenette.


Adrien ran his hands through his golden wet hair. Small droplets of water ran down his cheeks, adding a saltiness to his tan skin. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed the blue gooey substance onto his calloused hands. Shakily, he massaged his scalp. His hand quickly fluttered to his stomach, pressing into his abdomen, trying to suppress the pain. It was getting worse.

He hurried the rest of his shower. As he was drying off, Plagg flew in and sat on the sink handle. The kwami watched his Chosen with a sense of helplessness filling him. Adrien threw on his black tee and jeans, checking for his ring, before glancing over at his kwami. Plagg motioned towards the ring, nodding his head in approval. Thank stars.

Adrien sighed in relief.

"Plagg, Transform me!"


A knock broke the silence of the night, startling poor Marinette half to death. She shrieked, falling off her chair, but sprang back up quickly. She tapped her mouse a couple of times, clearing her screen. She ran over to the source of the noise and yanked the pink string down. Bouncing up the steps, she poked her head out the wooden trap door.

No one was there.

She pulled herself up a little further, her baby blue eyes practically glowing in the dark of the night. She craned her head every which way, trying to make out the details of the balcony. Taking a step backward, she slipped down the ladder. A squeak escaped her. Instead of feeling the pain of the hard ground, she was caught by two leather arms.

"Jeez, purr-incess, you need to be more careful."

Her expression seemed twisted with joy and annoyance.

"Chat!" She exclaimed, wrapping her thin arms around his neck. His bell jiggled as she brushed past it. He wobbled over to the bed and lowered the bluenette onto it. She pulled back out of the hug, examining his neon green eyes. Her face, full of pure innocence, dropped into confusion.

"Chat, what's wrong?"

Glancing away quickly, Chat hung his head. His wild hair fell over his eyes. A hand brushed it back and tilted his head back up.

"Oh, Chat." She pulled him down into her lap, her scent filling his lungs. Strawberries and chocolate. She ran her fingers through his hair with one hand, while stroking his cheek with her other. His throat began to rumble.

A soft purr escaped his lips.

Marinette froze. Tensing, Chat prayed that she wouldn't notice and there was some other reason. Unfortunately, she did.

"Did you just purr?"

Chat shook his head, covering his face with his hands.

"You did!" Marinette grasped his hands with her own, pulling them away from his face. Chat opened his eyes, holding his breath as her delicate thumbs rubbed the back of his leather-covered hands. His gaze moved up to her face, excitement, and bliss clearly drawn out. Her smile was the biggest he had ever seen, showing off her white teeth between her pink lips. Her beautiful blue eyes creased at the edges. Gosh, she looked so purr-fect.

She giggled, drawing him out of his fantasy. He couldn't help but smile, too.

"Do it again," she begged, acting like a toddler on Christmas morning. Chat blushed, his head bobbing up and down with the movement of her lap.

If only it could stay like this forever.

"Marinette, everything alright up there?" A feminine voice floated in through the floorboards. Marinette's head jerked to the side.

"Yeah, Mama! Everything's fine!" Her gaze remained fixed on the door, but her fingers toyed with Chat's hair.

"Okay dear! Good night!"

Marinette wished her mother a good night as well. She turned her attention back to the cat on her lap. A soft smile returned to her face.

"Well, I guess that's my queue to leave, Purr-incess." A frown passed over her features, but he kept moving anyway. He climbed off the bed and made his way over to the trapdoor. She leaned off the edge of the bed.

Catching him by surprise, she kissed his cheek.

"Good night, kitty!"

"Good night, Mari," he responded, a blush growing on his face. 


Sup Dudebros!

Sorry for taking forever! I'm trying to find a way to improve my writing, so if you have any helpful tips or tricks, please comment them! Btw, Perfect by Ed Sheeran is one of my favorite songs EVER!

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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