Identity Irony

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Once the crowd had dispersed, the heroes were nowhere to be seen. The Ferris wheel came around, couples getting on and off in order. Marinette and Adrien stepped off together, seemingly oblivious to whatever had others alarmed. They stepped off to the side, out of the way of traffic, but still in an obvious place for their best friends to find them. Adrien's left arm was protectively wrapped around his girlfriend's waist, while his right thumb was softly stroking her hand.

Marinette's mind was distracted, however. Her focus was now ripped away from her date with her boyfriend and settled on their enemy. He must be getting desperate, she mused, for the Akuma had a very weak reason to attack. Was he just trying to disrupt the carnival? Was he onto her, Adrien, or Chloé? Perhaps he was trying to scare them, make them look over their shoulders at all times. If so, they would need to be more cautious, more secretive, and faster. They needed to find his identity or lair, break-in, and finally end this war. But how could they? He seemed to know where they would be, and when, but they had zero leads on him.

A soft sigh escaped her lips. Adrien looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. She turned in his arms, facing him, but still holding his hand.

"I think we need to visit Fu again," she whispered, her eyes connecting with Adrien's. She leaned forward, resting on his chest. " In order to track and defeat Papillon, we need a team. I don't think a trio is going to cut it."

Adrien shifted, prompting her to sit on the grass. As they lowered, a blonde came over to them, but they didn't mind.

"Why would we need more people, wouldn't that put our identities at risk?" Adrien waved at Chloé and helped her down into their circle, or rather, triangle, before returning his attention to Marinette for an answer. Marinette huffed in annoyance, mentally recounting her past encounters with Akumas.

"I think he already knows at least one of our identities. He's tracking us. The Akuma knew exactly where to look for us, the car on the Ferris wheel and everything. We need people who can track him, too."

"Do you think he knows all of us? Or just who one of us are," Chloé questioned, leaning forward absentmindedly. "'Cause if he knows who I am, I'm doing a tragic job at keeping a secret."

Marinette shook her head.

"No," She refused, "I think he is tracking me."

"What?" Chloé and Adrien looked up, completely taken off guard by that comment.

"Why would you be the one? You're too much of a goody-two-shoes to even consider breaking your own rule," Chloé squealed, earning a shush from the others.

"You have never," Adrien looked at his girlfriend, "ever let down your guard. How would he know?"

Marinette looked down. She sucked in a shaky breath, rubbing her hands together nervously.


Her partners looked surprised for the umpteenth time that night, but it faded into understanding. Adrien rested a hand on her knee, reassuring her, and glanced up. Marinette followed his gaze to the couple that was quickly approaching, laughing so hard they would gain rock hard abs. Marinette smiled meekly at her best friend as she settled down next to her, forcefully making room for herself and her boyfriend. Nino fist bumped Adrien from across the circle and waved at Chloé.

"Oh my gosh! I never would have expected an Akuma tonight! Except, it totally makes sense... A carnival is a perfect way to attract attention and spread terror!" Alya began to blab about her ideas on the attack, vocalizing every theory in her head, including those about their heroes.

Marinette guiltily tuned her out, trying to focus on her own theories. Adrien watched as her eyes glazed over, showing that she was lost in her beautiful brain, trying to figure out their predicament. Pulled her closer to him, receiving little resistance, and let out a sigh of relief. She was still here, and as long as he was around, Papillon would never touch her. 


Sup Dudebros! 

I got a message the other day asking if I was going to work on this story anytime soon... I have been, it has just been little increments at a time. Luckily, I had no homework tonight an was able to finish this chapter and start the next! So don't worry! I am not abandoning y'all. 

Go Be Epic Dudebros!


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