Secrets Revealed

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Marinette collapsed on her bed, exhausted from Alya and Chloé's interrogation at the park. Chloé, being stubbornly insistent, had joined Marinette on her return home. She refused to let Marinette get away with the half-truth. Marinette, being equally stubborn, rejected every question Chloé had about the superhero part of her and Adrien's budding relationship. Chat didn't know who Queen Bee was, Chloé didn't know who Chat was, and it was going to stay that way. Finding out Chat's identity was an accident, Marinette believed, but it was the best accident she had ever been included in.

Marinette listened half-heartedly to Chloés attempts to find out the truth but did not respond with more than a hum every now and then. Chloé would not give up.

"Fine! If you won't talk, I'll call Adrien and ask him myself." She smirked. Marinette instantly shot off the bed and lunged at her friend. Tackling her to the ground, she began to state the idiocracy in her idea. Pollen and Tikki were flung across the room.

"No, Chlo! Then he would know your identity! That's supposed to stay secret! The only reason I know who you are is that I was there when you were given your miraculous!"

"So he is Chat!"

"No," Marinette moaned, "I never said he was."

"Mari, listen. If we knew who each other were, we could help each other sneak out to transform when attacks came. Yes, it is a little dangerous, but it can actually make the team stronger."

Marinette sighed in defeat. She picked up her phone and texted Adrien to come over. Chloé smiled and sprang up onto the chaise. Pollen fluttered over and high fived her, both doing a little victory dance.

Not even five minutes later, a knock on the trapdoor was heard. A mop of neatly set blonde hair peeked through the door, asking for entrance. Marinette rolled over to the door and let him in. He kissed her cheek, making Marinette blush, and said hello to Chloé. They both then looked expectantly at Marinette.

"Seriously, Chloé? This was your idea!" Chloé rolled her eyes and gestured for both of them to come over to her.

"What was her idea?" Adrien spoke up, extremely confused.

"Well, I suggested that all three superheroes be formally introduced to each other." Chloé straightened up, feeling proud. Marinette scoffed.

"There was nothing formal with how you were originally going about this." She glared and her friend, who, with the same fire in her eyes, glared back.

Adrien, feeling left out, spoke up.

"What are you talking about?"

Marinette broke eye contact with Chloé to meet his eyes. She sighed and pointed at Chloé.

"She," she began, playful annoyance evident in her voice, "refused to let me be until she confirmed that you were Chat Noir." Adrien gaped at her.

"Wait, you told her?"

"No," Marinette groaned, "She gave me a good reason to bring you over here right now. Just listen, please."

Adrien nodded, painfully disturbed, and Marinette continued.

"Chloé had a wonderful idea," sarcasm laced Marinette's voice, " to just call you and ask her yourself. When I wouldn't let her, well, she began to state, honestly, solid reasons you two should know who each other are."

Adrien cocked an eyebrow at the girls, still lost. Before he could state his confusion, Chloé cut him off.

"I'm Queen Bee!"

There was a moment of silence, but it was quickly disrupted.

"What?" Adrien exclaimed, taken back. She nodded, pride and joy apparent on her face. Struggling to hold it back, she and Marinette both doubled over in laughter.

"Finally!" Plagg shot out of Adrien's pocket and settled down with the other kwamis. Adrien was too distracted to even notice the bee kwami sitting out the whole time.

"Wait, you knew who each other were?"

The girls nodded.

"I," Marinette stated, "was there when she was given the Miraculous. Plus, I am kind of her mentor."

Chloé glared at her.

"As if! You would have never done this if it wasn't for me! I am teaching you!"

Adrien laughed as the two girls refused to give up in their argument. Their friendship made a little more sense now.


I am such a sinner.

Sup Dudebros!

Sorry for being MIA. It is much easier to procrastinate in the summer. I feel horrible. Someone messaged me about this book, causing me to realize how much time had past since the last update. I am sorry!

Hope y'all have had a good summer so far!


P.S. I have no idea why it deleted the title. I typed it in before the chapter. Hm... Sorry about that!

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