MariChat, Adrienette, LadyNoir, or Ladrien?

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A light shot out in a ring from around the two. Tikki giggled in delight at the sight of the two teens, but Plagg couldn't seem to care less. He kept his resting face on. Tikki, annoyed by this, jabbed him in the torso with her elbow. He groaned, losing control, and broke into a grin. Satisfied, Tikki resumed watching Marinette and Adrien.

Marinette pulled back, her cheeks tinted, and watched Adrien nervously. He slowly opened his eyes as the biggest grin took over his face. He tackled Marinette in a hug. She fell back on her pink pillows laughing and he took the opportunity to peck her lips.

"Now that we have that cleared up, will you be my girlfriend, Mari?" Marinette tried to sit up, but he pushed her down, obviously stating that she would be stuck until she answered.

"Of course, kitty," she replied with a giggle. Smirking, Adrien kissed her again.


Chloé tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Marinette to show up. She had called earlier, practically bursting with joy, and requested that Chloé and Alya meet her at the park.

Well, Chloé and Alya were at the park, along with Nino accompanying his girlfriend, but Marinette was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you think she's almost here?" Chloé glanced over at Alya. Alya shrugged and went back to checking the Ladyblog for any recent reports. Chloé groaned and sunk down into the wooden bench. She closed her eyes, thinking of all the possible things Marinette could be excited about. That could be a million different things, though. She was easily impressed.

"Sorry for taking so long, guys!"

Chloé jumped up as Marinette ran up to them with... Adrien? She glanced down at their intertwined hands and raised her eyebrow.

"That's," she said, pointing to their hands, "the news?" She smiled as Marinette responded with a nod. Alya squealed and tackled her best friend. Nino walked up to Adrien and fist bumped him. The girls made their way to the bench as Marinette told them what happened. Alya seemed to buy everything, obviously distracted by the idea of the new couple, to realize the holes in the story. Chloé realized that this must be because of superhero secrecy, so she didn't bring it up.

Her mind began to drift from the conversation. She left Marinette with Chat last night... How did Adrien get there? Maybe he dropped by later after Chat left? Or-

"Oh my gosh," Chloé exclaimed. Adrien has to be Chat Noir. It made sense!

Alya and Marinette looked at her oddly, and she realized she had said that out loud.

"What?" Alya asked, confused, "what is it?"

Chloé shook it off and smirked at Marinette.

"So, when's the first date?" 


Curse me and my inabbility to write long chapters!

Sup Dudebros!

If you read TILY, you already know a little about why I was gone for so long. Life got crazy with a Senior as a sister. May was not my month! But it's cool! I'm here now! As much as I'd love to write another chapter and have it up within the next couple of days, I am going to be having my wisdom teeth removed. Fun right? The only part I'm scared of is the IV. That just freaks me out. Other than that, I'm cool. Oh, and my dad (he's a dentist) is going to have them work on my tongue a little. I have a really short one! 

Stay Epic Dudebros!


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