04 - The Escape

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Blaise and Draco arrived at the Three Broomsticks to see Pansy seated at the back waiting for them. When she looked up and saw Blaise, she immediately stood up and ran over to him and gave him a big hug. "I missed you too" Blaise hugged her back smiling.

"Hello there Draco, you alone again?" Pansy asked after releasing Blaise.

"Why it's nice to see you too Pansy, and yes Hogwarts is amazing especially you not being in it anymore"

"You better find him a girlfriend soon, he's getting grumpier" Pansy whispered to Blaise as they were walking back to their table.

"Don't worry, I have someone in mind"

"Really, who?"

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Draco interrupted them, feeling left out and irritated.

"Oh, you know, exchanging ideas on what to try tonight" Pansy winked, while Blaise just smirked. "You want to try blindfold, Blaise?

"Ugh! Did not want to know that Parkinson!" Draco covered his ears like a child, just then he felt someone take a seat beside him. "What's wrong with this one?" Theo asked Pansy and Blaise.

"Oh, you know just sharing bedroom kinks with Draco, particularly blindfold" Pansy continued teasing Draco.

"Now this is more like it! And I tell you blindfold is great, adds to the thrill" said Theo proudly.

"Bloody hell, Theo! I do not want to know that about you and Lovegood! I could punch you right now in the face if I wasn't too busy trying to forget that horrid image" Draco was now closing his eyes, his hand covering his eyes as if to protect his innocence.

"Draco's right mate, now I don't think I can look at Lovegood the same way. Poor girl, you corrupted her innocence" Blaise said with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"You'd be surprised, she's not as inno--"

"Shut it Nott!" Draco slammed his fist on the table.

"Speaking of the precious little angel," Pansy said upon seeing the blonde enter, kissing Theo on the cheek and proceeded on sitting in front of him.

"Is everything alright?" Luna asked when she saw the faces of Blaise and Draco looking extremely uncomfortable and both avoiding to look at her.

"Everything's good love, don't mind these two" Theo grabbed Luna's hand.

They were all chatting and catching up like good old friends. The other three Slytherins were still a bit awkward around Luna since they didn't seem to truly understand her, but they were happy for her and Theo nonetheless. If someone told the younger version of Draco that someday he would be sitting in a table casually chatting with these 4, and add to that being the fifth wheel, he would surely deem them mental and no doubt hex them for fallaciousness.

Serena and Tristan arrived at the Three Broomsticks after walking around Hogsmeade. They sat at the opposite side of where her friends were thus missing them. "I never thought we had so much in common" Tristan was laughing with Serena as they took their seats.

"Me either, I guess it helps that you're a half-blood therefore we could discuss muggle stuff. I can't really discuss this with my fellow Slytherin housemates"

"True, but mind you even if there are plenty of muggle-born and half-bloods in our house, I haven't met anyone who loves collecting comic books as much as me, and never would I imagine a Slytherin girl having that same hobby"

Serena laughed, "I got it from my dad you see, he loves the comic world. He would give it to me as gifts. You don't know how happy I was to find out I was a witch and had magical abilities, it made me feel like a hero, like the characters in the comic books."

"That's exactly how I felt too when my mum told me I was a wizard! So tell me who's yourfavourite character?"

"Oh I can't simply choose one! Let's see we have...."

Draco turned around when he heard the familiar laughter, he saw Serena and Tristan laughing at Merlin knows what, surprised they weren't at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. He smiled to himself and thought 'we should really do something about her laugh, it's so unlady like' his smile slowly faded when he saw how she was really having a good time, and that feeling deep in his stomach rose again.

He turned back to the table to distract himself, he looked up to see the couples discussing about something, what it was, he wasn't sure as he dozed off earlier. He looked at his friends, both were holding hands with their significant other and for the first time ever, he felt lonely. He wondered what it was like to hold someone else's hand, to.... But before Draco could continue, a commotion was happening outside.

"I wonder what's going on out there" Luna wondered when she saw people were looking around while some people were running. Suddenly, someone burst through the doors, "everyone out! The death eaters, they're back! Go home or go hide!"

The people inside were now a commotion as well, some people apparated out, while some had their wands out and went out, ready to fight.

"Why the hell are death eaters here?! I thought they were all in azkaban!" Theo screamed over the chaos.

"I don't know either but we have to get out of here," Draco said trying to make his way out of the small door, the wizards and witches all trying to fit in, so they could get out. Draco felt so claustrophobic

"We can't apparate back at Hogwarts, so where are we---"

Draco looked back to see Blaise has disappeared, he finally went out and turned right in a small alleyway, to avoid the frantic movements of the wizards and witches. He tried to look for his friends but to no avail. He looked down and wondered what was he to do since he really couldn't apparate back to Hogwarts, and he didn't want to run around the crowd either. He debated if he should just stay there and wait for the chaos to die down, but what if there really were death eaters? If they found him they wouldn't be kind to him as he was a traitor to them. He turned around to see where this alley might lead to, but felt somehing hard hit him at the back and he fell down with the weight on top of him.

"Malfoy?! What are you doing here?" Serena said as she was pushing herself up, "oh and sorry by the way didn't see you there"

"I was about to go for a casual stroll in this dark creepy alley. Woman, you are heavy!" Draco straightened himself feeling a bit sore on his chest.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" Serena crossed her arms but Draco only rolled his eyes and whispered "Women"

"Where's Blaise and the others?" Serena asked

"I don't know, I lost them in the crowd when we were heading out. Where's door matt?"

"I lost him in the crowd too. Anyway, we have to get out of here. They said there were death eaters here!" Serena told Malfoy.

"Where are we going to go? We can't exactly apparate back to Hogwarts and I'm not running back there with the crowd"

"Here take my hand, I know where we can go" but before Draco could say something, Serena took his hand and apparated away.

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