18 - The Dinner

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Both wizard and witch stared silently at the view before them, they didn't know how long the silence has been until Serena asked if they should head on back.

"Before we go, I just want to make one thing sure," Draco said as he stood up after Serena.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You're mine now," Draco said cooly as he looked directly at Serena's eyes. When he saw how flustered she was even at the dark, he leaned in closer to give her a kiss.

Serena was still surprised by Draco's statement to kiss him back, so when he stopped and leaned back with his famous smirk, she absolutely knew she was glowing red. "Wha-what?"

"Mine, as in my girlfriend. And of course, I am yours as well" he continued to smirk and all Serena could do was swallow a lump on her throat.

"O-okay" She replied. She was so flustered and it was very rare for her to be at lost for words.

Draco finally stepped back and Serena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Glad I could make you feel that way" Draco teased.

"Oh shut up," Serena said, embarrassed.

"I have something for you," Draco said while reaching in his coat.

"Really?" Serena's eye lit up.

"Yes, since Blaise threatened me to give you one. He really wants a gift from you"

"Is that the only reason?"

Draco just half-smiled at her in which Serena replied with a "hmph"

"Now close your eyes and open your palm" Draco instructed, but Serena looked at him hesitantly. "It's not alive" Draco assured her and after finally trusting him she did what she's told.

Serena felt something light and cold touch her palm. "Okay, open" Draco said and she did.

She did not expect his gift at all. It was a green coloured bow hair clip. She couldn't even imagine how Draco thought of it.

"Do you like it? I see you tie your hair a lot and when I saw this in one of the windows in a shop earlier, I thought it would suit you"

"You bought this in a Muggle shop?"

Draco nodded. He watched as she clipped half of her hair, and then slowly did a 360 turn. He was right, it definitely suited her and she looked even more dainty and beautiful with it. Who knew a hair clip could make all the difference?

"Well? Does it really suit me?" She asked, her eyes still twinkling like stars above them.

Draco nodded again but this time he did so with a genuine smile, Serena's favourite kind of smile. "Thank you Draco, it's absolutely beautiful! I love it!" Serena then went to hug him tightly, and he gladly returned the gesture.

They may have kissed before but something about this hug made it equally, romantic and intimate. She fit perfectly in his arms. Her hair smelled of coconut, and her skin smelled like vanilla, it was an exquisite combination. He then thought about how this would be what an amortentia would smell like to him.... Amortentia? The love potion?..... Does that mean he loves Serena?

But before he could think of an answer Serena let go and said "let's go back to my house. I have your gift there" She smiled brightly and kissed his nose. And then Draco thought, 'definitely' as they apparated back to Serena's house.

Draco waited in her room while Serena got his gift which she said was still under the tree, so Draco was looking around her room when he saw the tiny elephant keychain that was sitting in her study table and smiled at the memory of it.

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