35 - The Dress

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It took Pansy and Serena hours to look for the perfect dress. Visiting both magical and muggle shops. It turns out muggles have better taste in fashion compared to the magical folk whose style is still behind.

It was finally the day of the party and Serena went to Pansy's place so they could get ready together.

"I'm a bit nervous, no who am I kidding, I'm extremely nervous" Serena exclaimed, covering her face with her hands

"Oh, would you relax! Once I'm done with you and put on your dress you would feel like a phoenix!" Pansy reassured as she was fixing her friend's hair

"You mean I'm going to burn and die?" asked Serena.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "No, I meant you will rise and be the hottest chick in the room"

Serena closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, you're ready! Take a look!"

"Serena turned around and saw a different person. Pansy did an incredible job on her. Her hair was styled in vintage-style waves, her makeup not too heavy but had a scarlet red lip, matched with her emerald dress that was plain in design but the material was made of silk and it hugged her body. The length was shorter than what she was usually comfortable with and it bared her back. It was a perfect blend of classy and sexy.

"Draco is going to blow his mind once he sees you" Pansy reassured and this time, Serena had a feeling that she was right.

Pansy, Blaise, and Serena arrived together in the Malfoy Manor where the event was being held. The usually dark and gloomy manor was now lit and buzzing with all the guests. The ballroom was already packed upon entering. Not long after they arrived Theo saw and approached them. 

"Took you guys long enough," He said

"When you're getting ready with two girls, I'm surprised we even at least made it," Blaise told Theo.

"Of course it does, all this takes time and you love it" Pansy gave Blaise a side-eye.

"You do look incredibly beautiful my love" Blaise took Pansy's hand and kissed it. Serena can't help but feel happy for her two friends. At least they were in love and happy.

"I hate being here without Luna" Serena heard Theo mumble when he saw Blaise and Pansy, and it also warmed her heart how Theo has changed so much.

"Hey, Pansy can you please come with me to the loo?" Serena asked

"Didn't you just went before we left??" Pansy asked

"Yes, but I pee a lot when I'm nervous"

When the girls left, Blaise turned to Theo and asked  him, "Where is he?"

"Last I saw him was in his bedroom. He doesn't want to go out which is a shame since I know how much this event is important to him"

"You think it's because of Serena?" Blaise asked

"Oh I know it's because of her" 

"This is bad. He's acting like his old self again"

"I know, but what can we do? The only person who can do anything about it is having tiny bladder issues"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "Come on, let's go look for him"

"Where are they?" Serena asked when she and Pansy returned to the spot where they left Blaise and Theo.

"Maybe they went on to get some food. You want some?" Pansy asked and Serena nodded.

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