12 - The Glow

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Serena arrived back at Hogwarts just after dinner time but before heading to the common room she decided to stay at the hidden corner she and the boys usually go to when they needed to talk privately to do some thinking.

She enjoyed her time with Tristan, but not fully. She tried so hard not to think about her confused feelings and focus on her date. And it was a date, Tristan made it clear earlier and even asked for her address so they can write to each other during the holiday break.

Serena of course, felt thrilled. She could not believe everything that was happening between her and Tristan but she can't help but feel.... Empty when she's with him.

Sure she makes him laugh, but her laughter just escaped her lips and not from her stomach bubbling to rise. She can feel nervousness, but it wasn't the kind that made her heart beat out of her chest. She felt nice when he's around, but she couldn't feel the thrill. She felt giddy every time he looked at her, but it didn't feel as if her world stopped and her breath caught with the intensity of his stare. Tristan was great..... But he wasn't.....


Draco? How could she even compare Tristan to Draco Malfoy?! Why would she even compare him to him?!

She brought her knees closer to her chest and laid her forehead on top of her knees, a position she does every time she wants to think. Her stomach was churning as if she were about to perform on stage.

"What's happening to me?" She asked herself. "Why do I feel so confused?" And then she remembered what Luna had told her earlier...

"if you're confused about something don't avoid it and don't deny. Be honest with yourself, it's pointless really if you lie to yourself. Denial is usually the cause of confusion"

Denial? Was she in Denial? Of what, of Draco? Her feelings? What feelings? She was a confused mess.

'Am I really beginning to like Malfoy?' She thought to herself, not daring to even say it out loud. She took a long breath and exhaled heavily. She wasn't sure of her answer, and she was feeling tired, so she decided to go to the common room and rest. Maybe her answers will come tomorrow when her mind is fresh and the day is new.

But when she entered the common room and saw no other than Draco Malfoy sitting on the couch looking ruggedly handsome(still wearing his clothes earlier) as he stared at the fireplace, the light flickering across his pale skin, her answers hit her hard, like a hammer to her chest.

When Draco turned his head slightly he saw her standing there like she's seen a ghost(although if she did, she shouldn't be scared since they see ghosts in Hogwarts all the time). He didn't know how long she had been standing there as he hadn't heard her come in, too distracted by his own thoughts. "You alright?" He asked when he noticed her odd expression.

And as if she was pulled out of her trance, she cleared her throat and went over to sit beside him. "Why are you still up? It's late" She asked him while looking at the flames dance.

"I should be the one asking you that. I didn't expect your date to last this long" Draco noticed the hint of bitterness in his voice and hoped Serena didn't notice.

"I actually got back earlier but I did some.....thinking"


But instead of answering she simply looked at him and smiled and Draco felt a tiny jump in his heart. "You didn't answer my question," she asked, avoiding his question.

Draco looked away from her and looked back at the dancing flames. "I've been thinking too"

Serena chuckled, "really? That's new"

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