20 - The Platinum Trio

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Draco and Serena arrive in the Great Hall together and saw Blaise in their usual seat.

"Hey, Blaise" Serena greeted as she and Draco sat in front of him.

"If it isn't two of my best friends! How are you two, my dear friends?" Blaise asked sweetly.

"What in bloody hell is wrong with you?! Are you sick?" Draco asked

"Oh no no no. Feeling very fine actually. How about you two? Are you doing well? You look extra happy together"

Both nodded, looking at Blaise quizzically. He was definitely acting weird. "And you're being extra weird," Draco said.

"Ugh! Are you two not going to tell me anything?!" Blaise asked clearly frustrated.

"Hmmmm... Mother recently bought a new owl" said Draco

"Oh, that's nice! What's its name?" Serena asked, playing along with Draco.

"Aries. It's a pretty brown---"

"You two are making me insane," Blaise said in low grunt.

"Hey, Blaise did you know that muggles use doves instead of owls as messengers?" Draco asked innocently. Blaise just looked at him and annoyingly replied "I've heard of it"

"I think owls are better messengers than doves though. Don't you think so?" Draco asked Serena and she replied "Agreed"

"I've had enough of this" Blaise said angrily as he was about to leave his chair when Draco said, "Oh right! And did you know Serena and I are dating?"

Blaise thought his eyes were about to pop out. Even Serena felt a bit surprised, she didn't expect he'd be the one to actually say it, she thought Draco would just ignore Blaise and make her tell him instead.

"Holy Shit!" Blaise shouted making the other students in the Great Hall look at their direction.

"Language Blaise!" Serena scolded.

"When, What, How..." And then Blaise looked over at Serena. "... Why?"

Serena looked around to check but saw many students looking curiously at them.  So she leaned over to Blaise and whispered, "How about we eat first and then we talk"

"I want answers now!" Blaise ordered as he pointed at the table.

"And you're not getting any!..... For now" Serena answered with authority.

Blaise sighed in defeat and looked over at Draco who was looking proudly over at Serena. "Fine. But you better tell me everything!"

"That's a promise. Now let's eat! I'm starving"  Serena said smiling as she gave herself a serving of mashed potato.

Blaise was trying so hard to be patient while they ate their dinner. He was annoyed how obviously slow Draco was eating and he knew he was tormenting him. What a good friend he was. But finally, after what seemed like forever, they finished eating and went to their secret little corner near their common room.

"Okay, now tell me. I thought you liked door matt? And how about your deal?" Blaise asked the moment they sat on the floor.

"I did. But something happened that made me realize it was all a mistake" Serena replied.

"What happened?"

"Well..." Serena thought for a while if she should share the story. "Fine, I will tell you. Draco doesn't even know this yet so both of you will hear it for the first time"

Draco became instantly curious what she had to say and both he and Blaise leaned in closer. Serena told them the events of what happened on their date. How it went great to downhill in an instant. Draco saw Serena's eyes getting darker and her fists were clenched as she was telling the story but when Serena told them about door matt using her for some kind of revenge against him, his fists clenched too. He felt his blood boil and his face heat up with anger. How dare he make a fool of her and play with her feelings?! Who does that idiot think he is?!

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