37 - The Talk

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"How are things with you and that snake?"

Ben and Serena were on the ruins of an abandoned castle. It was Serena's last day in Ireland with her brother and she hated seeing the sun starting to set. The past two days have been so fun, Ireland was absolutely breathtaking and Ben had made her laugh nonstop. Coming here was no doubt a good decision. She forgot her problems in Hogwarts and hasn't thought of Draco once. During mornings it was all fun with Ben and at night she would fall asleep right away.

This was an escape, yes, but it was also a confrontation. It was time to face her problems, herself. 

"I shouldn't be surprised you knew" was her reply.

"Of course I do. You're my little sister, I always know what's up. So, do I need to beat him up? Just get rid of his wand and I'll take care of the rest"

Serena chuckled, "Please Ben, when it comes to beating his arse I could easily win against a duel with him"

"But Rey, a physical fight gives a much more satisfying feeling"

Serena rolled her eyes.

"But in all seriousness Rey, did he hurt you?" He asked.

"No, he didn't. Not intentionally anyway..... Oh I don't know! One thing just led to another and, oh he is full of pride, and he just ugh!"

"Okay, why don't you start from the beginning"

Serena proceeded to tell him everything. All the emotions just flowed out. She was angry and she was on the verge of crying and even felt like laughing because how stupid all of this is.

"You know I usually always advise you on the best course of action, but this is something you have to decide for yourself. If this is all worth it, if he's worth it"

"I'm just so confused Ben! I hate feeling this way, I'm tired and I just want....."

"Want what?"

Serena sighed deeply.

"You know in your heart what you really want. Relationships are hard Rey, it takes both of you to work it out. You complain about his pride but have you thought about yours?"

Serena stayed silent, understanding what Ben was trying to say.

"Thank you, Ben" She smiled at him, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

"Or you could just dump him. Either way it makes me happy" Ben teased and she slapped his arm.

"Oh please! You like him and you know it it" Serena countered. Ben laughed and Serena leaned on his shoulder while they both watched the sun go down meaning it was time for her to head back to Hogwarts.


Serena woke up the next morning realizing she wasn't in his brother's guest room anymore. She felt sad and missed him too much already. She really didn't want to attend classes this morning as she was tired from last night's trip. She didn't know why she took the train back. Maybe it was to prolong the trip. But she knew that she had gone back to reality now, so she stood up groggily and prepared for the day to come.

Her morning classes passed by like a blur. For the first time in her life she was even called by the professor for drowsing off. So she walked back to her room and have a quick power nap before her afternoon classes. But while she was walking half asleep she felt someone suddenly grab her arm and dragged her inside a room. When she turned around, it was the platinum blonde hair she saw first, and then the face she undeniably missed.

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