36 - The Broken

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"I swear I'm going to kill that idiotic Malfoy!" Pansy was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"He's stupid yes, but don't you think Serena is at fault too? I mean Draco did step in and clarify things to Astoria" Blaise tried to defend his friend, but looking at Pansy's face he immediately regretted it.

"Boys are idiots!" Pansy exasperated.

"I never thought they would actually break up" Blaise commented

"How's Draco doing?" Pansy asked, she hasn't seen him since the party and she didn't want to, she might not help hexing Draco once she sees him.

"A total mess. He doesn't want to talk to anyone. I'm worried about him, we all know he's not the best in handling emotions"

Pansy sighed deeply. "Serena's acting all cool and fine but we can clearly see how hurt she is"

"They both are", replied Blaise.

Serena practically spent most of her time in the library. It was her only safe place. She hated how most of her Slytherin peers were looking at her, she knew that they knew that Draco and her have broken up, it was too obvious since the so-called inseparable 'Platinum Trio' were nowhere to be seen together anymore.

It's been 2 weeks since they broke up. She hated seeing girls being all flirty with Draco, although she too had her own share of boys trying to make a move on her. It bugged her how people can have no respect for a broken heart. It was almost curfew but she didn't want to go back to the dungeon just yet, so she decided to go to her other favourite spot, the floating dock by the black lake.

Serena sat there and felt the cool windy breeze touch her skin, unlike most people, Serena loved the cold. She looked up to the stars and felt partly relieved. Partly.

She knew she was the one who broke up with him, but why did she feel so empty? Did she overreact? Will he ever apologize? Will they ever get back together? Serena felt sorrow in her heart but it seems her eyes have shed all the tears from the nights before. She looked at the lake and had a strange urge to jump and be surrounded by the calming water.

Serena looked up from the lake when she felt something beside her.

"Pepper!" Serena exclaimed seeing her beloved owl. "What have you got there?" Serena took the letter from her owl, "I don't have any treats with me now but I'll give you later okay?" The owl seemed to nod and gave her space as she opened the letter.

~Dearest Rey,

How have you been? Haven't heard from you in a while now(precisely 2 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days, but who's counting?) thought you said you were going to write more often but I only received one letter from you since we last saw each other.  I'm trying not to sound too mad that you haven't written to me, but I kind of am. The only way I could forgive you is if you reply to me during office hours. It's been a while since Mike saw Pepper and I'm sure he misses her;) (as much as I miss seeing him freak out every time Pepper visits haha!) Anyway, I miss you. So write to me as soon as you get this!

Love your most handsome brother,

This time, tears were now streaming down Serena's face. Her brother always seemed to know when she was feeling down, or better yet, when she needed him most.

She had decided then and there that she would pack her bags and leave first thing tomorrow morning.

Looking at the clock it was only 3pm in the afternoon, only 2 hours till his work ends. Benedict was feeling drowsy and in all honesty, a bad mood. He expected to receive a letter from Serena earlier this morning when he sent his letter last night. He peeked at the table across him to see Mike obsessively combing his hair back and winking at his reflection. Today was a boring and bad day indeed. 

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