38 - The Time

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The next day Blaise and Draco were sitting in the Great Hall eating breakfast, Draco barely touching his food.

"What if she's going to disappear again?" Draco asked with a low voice.

"You've been asking what-ifs since last night. Please, can we just eat breakfast quietly?" 

"But what if?..."

Blaise looked at him annoyed then said, "ask her yourself" 

Draco looked up and saw Serena enter, they were seated near the door so it didn't take long for her to take a seat in front of him. His eyes brightened up and he sat up straight. She didn't say anything but took some food onto her plate and continued to read her book.

"Morning, Serena" Greeted Blaise as if nothing happened

"Morning, Blaise" Serena replied with her eyes still on the book.

Draco couldn't help it, so he lightly slammed the table. Serena could feel the eyes of the students nearby look their way, especially the Slytherins. She also knew that with Astoria confronting her at such a public place, gossip has already begun. She could hear the whispers and see the eyes and she hated the attention, it reminded her so much of her earlier years when her housemates would gossip about her because she was a muggle-born. She had to get out.

Without a word, she closed her books, stood up and left, but when she reached the door, she felt a sudden pull and then felt the familiar lips of Draco's on hers.

When Draco pulled away Serena could almost feel her eyes bulge out of her eye sockets, and heard the collective gasps of the people who saw it. Serena grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him out of the prying eyes.

They finally arrived at the trio's secret corner where Serena then pinched Draco's arm.

"Oooowww! What the hell woman?!" Whined Draco.

"Draco you idiot what did you do that for?!"

"I could see you were still upset with what happened with Astoria yesterday, and I know that they were all looking at us. I don't care for rumours but I hated it when I heard them say we were falling apart. Saying how I was meant to be with Astoria. That's why I wanted to just show them you're mine and I am yours and that's it. I didn't want you to be mad at me anymore Serena. I couldn't take it if I lost you, please believe me" Draco looked down serious and somber. To his surprise and relief, Serena pulled him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh Draco, you are an idiot. I wasn't mad at you, and I didn't care what they were talking about our relationship" She reassured.

Draco pulled away and looked at her confused, "Then why did you suddenly walk out? And why did you only greet Blaise?"

"That, I was just teasing you. But I had to get out because so many of them were looking at us and I felt uncomfortable, and of course you just had to go and make it worst! I can't even believe you did that! So out of character I must say"

"Trust me, I don't either. I was just desperate I guess, that maybe you'd go and leave again"

"I won't Draco"

"And with Astoria..."

Serena held up her finger to interrupt him. "I don't even care about her anymore, I actually pity her. The girl seems to be living in her weird fantasy and can't get out"

"She is a tad loony" Draco agreed.

"Thank goodness Tristan isn't like that"

"What?" Draco asked in an unamused tone

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