06 - The Reason

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Draco slowly opened his eyes and momentarily forgot where he was. He realised that last night was one of the best sleep he has ever had; it was dreamless, and he felt very refreshed. He looked at the clock to see it was 8:45 in the morning. He went down and was greeted by the delicious smell of freshly cooked pancakes.

He arrived at the kitchen but was surprised to see only Claire Collins. "Good morning Mrs. Collins, is Serena not up yet?"

Claire turned around from her cooking, "Oh good morning Draco! Serena has never been an early riser so expect to see her later on, in the meantime why don't you eat some breakfast. I hope you like pancakes"

"Who doesn't?" Replied Draco as he served himself a plate. He took a bite of it and it tasted delicious. He thought that although magic food tastes great as well, there was something exquisite about the taste of food when it was prepared the muggle way.

"Draco, I do apologize but I'm running a bit late for work. Is it alright with you if I go on ahead? And when Serena wakes up tell her, her pancakes are still in the pan"

"Of course Mrs. Collins, thank you for the delicious breakfast"

"You're welcome. See you later dear" Claire took her keys and went out and for a moment Draco wondered if this is what it was like to live with a normal family, with normal parents.

3 servings of pancakes later, Serena was finally up. She entered the kitchen with her hair looking like a bird's nest, her eyes only half open and her feet were dragging. He wondered if she really was awake or simply sleepwalking. She took a glass, then dragged her way to the fridge to pour herself some milk. She was completely oblivious to Draco's presence, and while Draco was widely amused by what he was seeing it was time to fully wake her up. "Nice pjs you got there Collins"

Serena jumped, spilling a bit of milk out her glass. She turned around to see Draco and it was obvious by the way she looked surprised that she forgot he was there.

"M-Malfoy, you're up already"

"Yes, I am" Draco was trying to contain his laughter ever since he saw her in her pjs. The design of it was for children and not for an 18-year-old girl. It was white and was covered all over with an orange dinosaur-lizard looking creature on it with flames on its tail.

"If you're trying not to laugh you're doing a horrible job" Serena crossed her arms

Unable to hold it in, he finally let out his laughter. "What in Merlin's beard are you wearing? You look like you're 8!"

"Mind you Malfoy that wearing character pyjamas are not uncommon in muggles. Although to be fair, I did have this as a child but I still fit in it and I like it so-- wait I don't have to explain myself to you!"

"So those orange things on your pyjamas are supposed to be famous?"

"Well yes! Its name is Charmander from a show called Pokemon, it's a Japanese show"

"A Pokemon? What is that?"

"You know what nevermind. I'll go change into something more 'normal' as you're clearly still not over your amusement" Serena stomped out the kitchen feeling slightly irritated.

Minutes later, Serena appeared once again wearing a loose shirt and shorts, when Draco saw her he quickly looked away. "Uh, Collins..."

"What is it this time Malfoy?" Serena replied while getting her share of pancakes and took her seat across from Draco.

"What are you wearing? You're barely naked below the waist"

Serena just laughed, "I didn't know you were such a conservative Malfoy! And these are shorts! Also, these aren't even really that short their in decent length. You've never seen anyone wear this before?"

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