31 - The Field

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"I must say, I am quite surprised Draco. You've been such an active participant, a lot of people are impressed" Narcissa complimented on her son. It was the last evening of their gathering, tonight it was more on just having fun and chatting around. They've discussed what was needed to be done and would start their plans as soon as possible.

"Thank you mother, but I really am just doing my part. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who wants to change. I didn't realize that there were many of them here who went through what I did. Following Voldemort, because they were afraid. I want to help them, us, rise for the better. There are so many great and good things we can do for our community now that we don't live in fear"

Narcissa looked at her son with a sad smile. He touched his hair remembering how much Draco suffered before, and now becoming someone so unlike his father, something she's thankful for. "I'm proud of you, Draco" She mused.

"Thank you mother"

Draco felt a hand on his shoulder,  he turned around to see it was Astoria wearing a purple velvet dress with a plunging neckline, her clothes, hair and make-up made her look like she was attending a ball or a grand event. Yes, they were wearing semi-formal clothes, but she just looked like she really went all out on her entire outfit.

"Hello Narcissa, Draco" She greeted with a smile

"Astoria dear! You look absolutely stunning. Doesn't she look stunning Draco?"

Draco smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Narcissa, you look incredible as well and you too Draco" Astoria complimented with a shy yet flirty smile. She then looked over to Narcissa and said, "I was wondering if I could steal Draco for a while, I need to talk to him about something" 

"Oh of course! I'm sure my son is getting bored talking to an old lady, he surely prefers talking to young  pretty girls like you"

Draco rolled his eyes knowing what his mother was getting at. After this event, he really must have a chat with her. 

He followed Astoria outside the back of the house. It was just a wide field without any fence to surround the house, the moon was nowhere to be found but stars were present, there were a lot of crickets chirping and the wind was cool but not too much that they were shivering.

"Enjoying the party?" Astoria asked. Both were just facing at the vast dark field before them.

"I am. Actually, I surprisingly enjoyed this trip"

"I can see that you did, everyone was surprised with you these past few days. If they had to elect a president for this group I'm sure many would choose you"

Draco huffed. "You know, as crazy as it sounds I don't think I would even decline it. I'm more passionate about change than I thought"

"That's because you have changed. You've changed so much Draco, it's inspiring to look and listen to you talk"

Draco didn't know what else to say. Everything has been so surprising lately the past days, the meetings, even his friendship with Astoria. 

"You think we could really do this? Do you think the wizarding community will come to accept and trust us again?" asked Astoria

Draco thought for a minute. He's been asking himself that same question for himself when he first returned to Hogwarts. At first, he thought it was going to be impossible for people to accept him, the traitor. He thought he'd live his life feeling alone. But someone changed all of that. Made him believe that if he got a second chance than any of them can.

"Yes, I do" He finally replied with a smile. "Not right away and not easily, but eventually they will. If we show them how sincere we are, it's impossible for the change not to happen"

Astoria smiled, feeling hopeful at Draco's assurance.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" Draco asked.

Astoria turned to face him and Draco turned to her as well. She looked worried. "Yes and there's another thing...." She said looking down at the grass.

Draco wondered why her emotions suddenly shifted. "Are you alright Astoria?"

And in the blink of a moment, he felt her hand grabbing his shoulder and her mouth was on his. Draco was in absolute shock that it took him a full second to actually process what was happening. And when he did he immediately pushed Astoria away.

"What the bloody fuck was that?!" Draco asked wiping his mouth in anger

Astoria looked at him with apologetic eyes but there was no hint of regret in it. "I lied Draco. Half-lied, actually. When I told you I understood you were in a relationship I was telling the truth. When I told you I didn't like you I was telling the truth, or so I thought. I did like you before but then I stopped liking you when I found out you had a girlfriend but these past days with you, being with you showed me what an incredible man you are. The way you talked to me and smiled at me, my feelings just came back, or maybe they never left. It made me think that maybe we do have a chance.

I kissed you, to let you know you have another choice, an option. It's not just your mother who thinks you and I are perfect for each other, half the room does! With your bloodline and mine, we could be great and powerful! Powerful enough to actually make a difference in our society"

Draco just looked at her in disbelief, still processing what she did and say.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel anything with that kiss?" Astoria asked stepping closer. She tried to reach for him but Draco stepped away. She was disappointed with his reaction but refused to back down. "Think about it Draco, I'm everything you want and need. We're practically the same. I'm a Pureblood, I'm smart, not to mention beautiful. I'm perfect for you"

Draco was still silent which made Astoria hopeful. She slowly reached to touch his face, wanting to feel his lips against hers again. When her fingers were almost touching his face, she felt a tight grip on her wrist that she thought it was about to break.

"Ow, Draco...." She complained.

"Don't. Ever. Touch me. Again." Draco warned through gritted teeth. Pausing at every word making sure she understood. He threw her hand away from him and left.

Astoria was left standing with tears in her eyes. She was now shivering as she watched him walk away. "You'll think about that kiss Draco. I know I got inside your head" She whispered to herself.

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