28 - The Valentine's Date

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"So, where are we going?" Draco asked when he caught up to Serena.

"Trust me on this alright? Don't think too much on anything else" Serena instructed as she took Draco's hands in hers

"Okay, now I'm getting nervous. Just tell me where we're going"

"You'll see" Serena smiled and then they apparated away.

Draco looked around to see an unfamiliar place.

"Where are we?"

"Spain" Serena smiled not looking at Draco but at her surroundings.

"Spain?!" Draco was shocked, no wonder it was warmer

"Seville, to be exact"

"Woman are you mad? We could have been splinched!"  

"Don't worry, I've done this before and we're still within Europe so it's not at all dangerous" Serena tried to reassure him, but Draco still can't believe they did something so life-threatening.

"Okay, you have gone mad. Are you even Serena? Oh no, you're someone else, aren't you? Where's your polyjuice potion? Who are you? Draco started to reach for Serena's bag to search for it.

"Oh, would you stop it! It's me! Look, the reason I brought you here and the reason I stole and ket your wand is because I'm taking you  on a muggle date"

"Wait, you stole my wand? And you're seriously asking me to give up magic for a day?" Draco looked at her dumbfounded.

"Yes. And don't even think that this day would suck just because you can't do magic"

"I never thought that a day with you would ever suck. It's just that I've never gone a day without magic. Besides, why this place for a muggle date? We could have just gone to cities in the UK"

"First of all, the UK right now is freezing. It's not particularly hot here but way warmer. Also, I did my research and Seville has one of the rarest population counts of wizards. Only 0.4%"

"Interesting" Draco replied as he processed all the things Serena said. 

Draco sighed and then said, "Okay Serena, how do we start with this muggle date?"

"Lunch, of course, let's go"

Draco and Serena arrived in a bustling restaurant. Draco was about to look for a seat when Serena pulled him over. They stood in line waiting for their turn.

"This place must be really popular if all of these people are waiting to be seated. At this rate, we're going to have our lunch at night!" Draco said

"We're not falling in line to be seated, we're falling in line to order our food and then we find our seats later. It's called fast-food"

"Fast-food? How odd, why is it called fast food?"

"Basically we get our order fast and eat it fast. This restaurant is called Mcdonalds, very popular in the muggle world"

Draco was amused as he looked around, especially when it was their turn and Serena was ordering their food, Draco was observing the people behind preparing the food and the order. It looked chaotic and very stressful. He thought how easier it would be if there was magic involved.

They sat down and ate their food. It seemed that the 'fast-food' was in general smaller or thinner than wizard food. There were burgers in the wizarding world but the patties looked thicker, and the vegetables were fresher. The food called french fries(in which Serena made clear it did not originate in France nor was it created by the French which boggled Draco why it would be called French Fries then but Serena didn't want to dive into it) was entirely new to Draco. 

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