34 - The Plan

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"Are they still not talking to each other?"


Pansy was sitting at their kitchen, a cup of coffee in her hand while Blaise was pacing back and forth thinking how he could help his friends.

"There's nothing you can really do here Blaise. Just be their guide, you know drop a few hints here and there. I mean what do you want to do? tie them down and force them in a locked room?"

"You know what, that doesn't seem like a bad idea," Blaise said as his finger was pointing up at the sky.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Look, she's going to be here any minute. I'll do what I can to help and you go and do whatever you need to do"

"Ugh! This is really frustrating! Why do I have to be the one stuck in the middle?" Blaise complained ruffling his head.

"You have the most important role of all Blaise Zabini. You're basically the glue in this little trio of yours so you better make sure it doesn't fall apart. Alright?"

Blaise smiled at his girlfriend who grew so much wiser and mature over the years.
They heard a pop sound and knew that Serena has arrived. She came into the kitchen and greeted both of them.

"Well, this is my cue to leave. Have fun you two!" Blaise said as he got his coat off the armchair.

"Where are you going? I just got here!" Serena asked as she poured herself a cup of tea feeling very at home already.

"I'm uh going with Theo. We were supposed to meet up to go shopping"


"Yeah, we're all out of.... Beetroot! Aren't we hun?"

Pansy simply smiled and nodded. Blaise waved and quickly got out before Serena could ask any more questions.

She took her seat across Pansy, looked at her and asked, "He's meeting up with Malfoy isn't he?"

"Are you that mad at him that you've gone back to calling him by his last name?" Pansy avoided the question.

"Of course I am Pansy! He cheated on me!"

Pansy looked at her with her brow up in the air

"Okay fine, he did not cheat on me but he lied and he definitely acted like the biggest arse there is!"

"That, I cannot deny," said Pansy as she sipped her coffee.

"What I hate is how he's handling all of this! He's acting like it's my fault!" 

"I agree that he is being a total pain in the arse right now, but you have to remember that Draco's a dense, hard-headed one, and you're his first girlfriend. He's a bit lost in the way but if he's right for you then I'm sure he'll find a way to make things better"

Serena thought about what Pansy has said. She did have a point, this was their first real fight and she didn't know what to do or say. 

"Let's change the subject, shall we? Let's not think about those boys" Pansy said hoping to make Serena feel better.

"Yes, please."

"What are you going to wear during the Slytherin's dinner party?" Pansy asked. Serena totally forgot about it. The day after all pureblood Slytherins went back to Hogwarts, they had a meeting in their common room announcing there will be a dinner party next weekend to inform the Slytherins what the 'Pureblood Renaissance' meeting was about and how it wasn't just about them Purebloods but a collective effort of everyone no matter the status.

"I don't even want to go to that damn dinner party! That meeting of theirs is why Draco and I are fighting in the first place!" Serena crossed her arms

"Oh, darling but that is why you should absolutely go! And wear the most jaw-dropping dress!" Pansy leaned forward feeling excited with the plan that's brewing in her head. "As I said, Draco is full of pride and is stubborn, his head hard as a rock. So why don't you give him a little nudge wearing something irresistible that he has no choice but to drop every inch of pride he has just so he could hold you again"

Serena's eyes narrowed, trying to consider what Pansy said.

"And even if he doesn't patch things up with you, then make sure he sees what he's missing. He's the Draco Malfoy sure, but you are very beautiful too Serena. Any wizard would want you! Make sure Draco realizes that"

Serena was sold, she was definitely going to the party now. "Let's find a dress" Serena smiled wickedly.

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