19 - The Prince of Slytherin

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It was now time for them to go back to Hogwarts. Serena almost missed the train because everytime Benedict had the chance to come with, he would always act like a tourist. She smiled in her compartment as she remembered what happened earlier.

"Remember to send me more letters okay?" He said while hugging her tight.

"You're just saying that so you will see Pepper more" She replied.

"No! Of course I want to know if my beloved sister is doing well....... Okay fine you're right.. But that's only the other reason"

"Fine but no promises. As you know our exams are near so I have to study a lot"

Benedict sighed. "Well good luck with that Rey. I can't believe how fast your holiday break has gone. I'm really going to miss you"

Serena hugged him again, "I'm going to miss you too Ben. I'm glad you came home this Christmas"

"Me too"

And now here she was sitting in the compartment alone. She was such in a hurry to get on the train that she wasn't able to look for Blaise and Draco. She debated to herself if she should look for them but she admitted that she felt rather nervous seeing Draco again. She hasn't seen him since dinner with her family, since Draco talked with her brother, She hoped their talk didn't end badly.

She decided to remain where she was and be alone, she could just look for them when they arrived. For now, peace and quiet would do her good.

Or so she thought.

Just seconds after closing her eyes, she heard the compartment door violently slide open. She didn't have to open her eyes, she already had a guess who it was.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" He said and she heard him taking a seat in front of her.

"Nice to see you again too Blaise" Serena greeted him and opened her eyes. "You owe me a gift by the way"

"Right! Here you go" Blaise handed her a wrapped gift. "Thank you for your gift by the way, Pansy said the Jacket really suited me. I think so too as well"

"You're welcome!" Serena smiled and then proceeded to open her gift. She then saw a book titled 'A guide to creating charms and hexes; Everything you need to know Volume IV'. "Blaise this is wonderful! How did you know I read these?"

"I saw you reading Volume III before and thought you might like this"

"I love it! You know it's quite difficult to get a copy since it's very limited. Some wizards think it isn't a great idea to teach others how to create their own hexes so the author made her publishing discreet. How did you get a copy?"

"Let's just say I know people" Blaise said in a smug tone.

"Well Thank you again Blaise!"

"You're welcome! Now tell me something"

"Sure, what is it?" Serena asked curiously.

"What happened during the holidays?" He asked urgently.

"Well my brother came home from Ireland, that was nice. We had pasta, steak..."

"Not that!" Blaise interrupted her. "Do you have any idea what happened to Draco?"

"Speaking of, where is he?"

"I don't know. We arrived together but while I was saying goodbye to Pansy he completely disappeared. I decided to look for you both and I was actually hoping to see you first. So you COULD TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED DURING HOLIDAY BREAK! I mean, Did something happen.... Between you two?"

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