11 - The Advice

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Serena was to meet Tristan at 4pm and since she finished getting ready early(something that rarely happens but she was too excited) she decided to read a book in the Slytherin common room while passing the time. She heard footsteps nearing and turned her head.

Her eyes went wide when she saw Draco wearing a rather formal attire. Black button downed polo, inserted in his black slacks, wearing a nicely fitted blazer on top which perfectly hugged his toned arms. He looked very, very handsome. Black looked really good on him, it contrasted perfectly with his pale skin, hair, and light colored eyes.

He sat beside her smirking "Like what you see?"

"Yes" Serena blurted out and she could see how Draco was surprised by her bluntness, she was too. "I... I mean you're dressed up today. You got a date?" She teased but did not expect his answer.

"Yeah, I do actually"

She quickly turned to look at him, too quick that she felt her neck snap. "Really?! And who's your date, a princess? You look too formal for a date" Serena noticed how her tone of voice seemed a bit bitter. If Draco noticed he didn't show.

"No, but I'm going to a party my mother forced me to go to, thus the formal clothes"

"And your date?" Serena didn't want to sound too curious but... Well, she was.

"Astoria Greengrass" Draco replied glancing sideways at her to see her reaction but she was just staring ahead, her mind seemed to be thinking. Probably recalling if she knew her.

"Oh" was her only reply and Draco wasn't sure but did she sound a bit... Disappointed?

Serena tried to remember who Astoria was and then it hit her. Like the majority of purebloods, Astoria was known to be beautiful as well. She had chocolate brown hair that matched her dark eyes, she walked so gracefully and regal. She was popular with teachers and students alike because she seemed like she had everything: beauty, brains, status and money. Truth be told, Astoria was like a perfect match for Draco. And somehow that bothered Serena a bit.
She knew Astoria was here at Hogwarts and is younger but she hasn't seen Draco or Astoria talk to each other or maybe she was just not aware of it. "I didn't know you two were close" she finally said, not looking at him.

Draco shrugged. "We're not. We've know each other for a long time and our parents are really close, so mother insisted we go to this party together. She said maybe it could help with cleaning our name since the Greengrass family are respected purebloods"

"Oh" Serena mentally slapped herself for the way she answered but she couldn't really think of anything else to say.

"Is that the only vowel you know Collins?" Draco teased.

Serena finally smiled. She didn't know why she felt her mood alter when Draco mentioned his date. "Well, enjoy your party Malfoy"

"And you enjoy your date with door matt..." He replied. She felt her smile drop a bit but he continued, ".... Just not too much" and she felt herself smile again.

Serena abruptly stood up "I have to go meet Tristan now, bye" and she left. She knew it was an awkward way of saying goodbye but she hated that she felt confused yet again.

She walked out of the castle and found herself nearing the black lake. She casted a warming spell on her when the cool winter breeze hit her.

She sat on the snowy ground, thinking, and again, talking to herself.

"What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? I should feel estatic! I'm going on a date with Tristan later, the man I have liked for 2 years! Yet here I am sulking"

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