16 - The Visit

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"I-I'll get that," she said to Benedict, barely in a whisper. She went to the main door, feeling her legs becoming jelly. She hoped her brother didn't notice.

When she opened the door, there he was. He was wearing 3 different layers of clothing with the Slytherin scarf wrapped around his neck. He looked amazing even in casual clothing. He smiled at her, and again, like always, her heart flipped.

"Hey," Draco said still smiling

"Hey" she replied, smiling at him.

"For you" he handed her a stick and she was clearly confused.

"Er, thank you?" Serena tried to sound grateful

"Flick it"

She did and then the stick turned into a bright sunflower. "Woah, that's wicked Draco!thank you!" She hugged him and then invited him to come in. Just then he heard her brother coming in, "who is it, Rey? Are mum and dad back?" But when Benedict reached the main door he realized it wasn't their parents.

When Serena heard her brother's voice she quickly flicked the flower and it turned back to a stick. She hoped Draco wouldn't feel insulted for what she did but she felt like it would be a bad idea for Benedict to see her with a flower in her hand and a boy next to her since he would surely over-react and he wanted him and Draco to start as good friends.

Draco's nerves left him when he saw how Serena smiled at his gift. He didn't know why he was even nervous to visit. It seemed silly. But then he heard a male voice and when he saw who it was from, he felt the nerves coming back.

He thought that this must be Serena's brother since they looked so much alike. With the same dark hair and blue eyes. He did not expect to see him. What great timing he has.

"Who's this?" He asked, in what Draco noticed a very unfriendly tone.

Draco remembered how he and Serena were close. She told him a lot of stories about them together when they were younger and although Draco has never been intimidated before, well, he is now. Looking at Serena's brother, he was very tall and even though Draco is tall himself, he was tall and lean wherein Serena's brother was tall and muscular.

He has the upper hand though, if ever things got bad, since he knows magic but he knows Serena will never forgive him for hexing her brother(so if things got physical, which he prayed it won't, he would surely be beaten) and besides, he needed to get his favour if he wanted to be with her.

"This is Draco Malfoy, he's my uh, classmate at Hogwarts. Draco, this is Benedict, my brother"

Draco held out his hand for them to shake but Benedict was still crossing his arms looking suspiciously at him. Draco thought he saw Serena in his peripheral, signal her brother to shake his hand. So with great reluctance, he took Draco's hand and shook it quickly but firmly and with great strength. Clearly, a warning.

"Judging from your scarf I'm guessing you're a snake too?" Benedict said, giving emphasis on the word snake.

But before Draco could reply, Serena said, "yes Ben, he's a Slytherin"

"Hmmmm" was all that Benedict said.

"Does mum and dad know he's coming?" Benedict asked Serena as if Draco wasn't in the same room.

"No, I was surprised by his visit" Serena lied. "But they've met Draco before"

Benedict's brow suddenly arched up and Draco noticed Benedict's crossed arms got tighter. He looked at Draco for a second and then back to Serena. "When?!" He asked.

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